[ZPT] option selected?

Jeffrey P Shell jeff at bottlerocket.net
Mon Jan 5 18:28:56 EST 2004

On Jan 5, 2004, at 12:34 PM, Casey Duncan wrote:

> On Mon, 05 Jan 2004 19:15:58 -0000
> "cccurvey" <scurvey at nwaf.com> wrote:
>> Ack!  I'm both confused and off-topic!  I'm trying to make sure that
>> the select box that's in the form reflects the state of the record
>> that was retrieved from the database (and I'm using the SimpleTAL
>> package from owlfish.com to do this outside of Zope).
>>     Category:
>>     <select name="categoryId">
>>         <option tal:repeat="category categoryList"
>> 	        tal:attributes="selected
>>                     python:category['categoryId']==case.categoryId;
>>                     value category/categoryId"
>> 		tal:content="category/categoryName">
>>         </option>
>>     </select>
>> This all works well and gives me something like
>> <select name="categoryId">
>>     <option value="1" selected="false">Foo</option>
>>     <option value="2" selected="true">Bar</option>
>>     <option value="3" selected="false">Snafu</option>
>> </select>
> In ZPT several attributes (selected, disables, nowrap, etc) are
> considered "boolean" and are treated specially by tal:attributes. They
> are omitted from the output if the value is "False" and inserted only 
> if
> the value is "True".

This is only true in HTML mode.  XML mode renders values, since the XML 
spec requires all attributes to have one.  I don't know about 
SimpleTAL's behavior, but the original author might check to see how 
they have SimpleTAL rendering.

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