[ZPT] Re: Get output of ZPT with Script Python

Philip Kilner phil at xfr.co.uk
Tue Jul 6 11:28:39 EDT 2004

Hi Case,

Casey Duncan wrote:
>>Thinking about my issue earlier where the PT's source was rendered 
>>instead of the output when I changed the content type of the PT to 
>>"text/csv", is there a reference as to what /content types/ wouldn't
> I'm not aware of this side-affect, although I have never set the
> content-type to anything other than text/html or text/xml.

This is the kind of "bodge" that works fine in ASP (where I seem to have 
learned a lot of bad habits!), but it seems it is less useful in Zope's 
more structured universe...

>>(or am I missing something more subtle?)
> I don't fully understand what you are getting at above, so I'm not sure.

I was trying to figure out if the issue was simply that Zope would 
render a ZPT with "normal" content types and display the "raw" ZPT 
source with others, or if the effect was secondary and something else 
was going on "under the bonnet".

To me, it seems surprising that it behaves differently when the content 
type is changed - I understand why it seems to try to switch parsers, 
and why my title row then "breaks" it, but I would have expected the 
same /output/ regardless of the content type...




Email: phil at xfr.co.uk / Voicemail & Facsimile: 07092 070518

"The lyf so short, the craft so long to learne" - Chaucer

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