[ZPT] Re: [Zope-Annce] TAL Hotfix 2004-07-14 for Zope 2.7.0, 2.7.1

Fred Drake fred at zope.com
Mon Jul 19 11:18:29 EDT 2004

Dieter Maurer wrote:
 > I read it above: the interpolated translation has not been
 > HTML/XML quoted. "Interpolated translation" means "values substituted
 > in slots of translated elements" (whatever that may be in detail).

On Monday 19 July 2004 02:41 am, Chris Withers wrote:
 > So, just to check, this hotfix was released because someone might provide
 > a msgstr that might contain illegal HTML, and that might get through
 > unquoted, and that's IT?!

No, that's not it at all.

The change doesn't affect text from the message, but text substituted into the 
fields of the message.

For example:

    <span i18n:translate="">
        Some text
        <i18n:field name="foo" tal:replace="request/something"/>
        more text

The message id is "Some text ${foo} more text", but the substitution for 
${foo} needs to be quoted, since it comes from an untrusted source.  That's 
what this hotfix adds.


Fred L. Drake, Jr.  <fred at zope.com>
Zope Corporation

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