[ZPT] Question re. formatting with locale enabled

Dieter Maurer dieter at handshake.de
Wed Mar 10 15:50:08 EST 2004

Charlie Clark wrote at 2004-3-9 13:17 +0100:
>this isn't entirely specific to ZPT but I hope I can get an answer here. 
>How do I best make use of the Python locale module in Zope assuming I've 
>enabled it with -L "de_DE" when starting Zope?
>ie. how do I best do the following:
><span tal:replace="python: locale.format('%0.2f', 3.1466)">answer</span>
>to give me 3,14 using the German locale

Read the "README" file in "Products/PythonScripts".
Learn how you allow the import of modules and the use of some
of its functions.
The Zope Developper Guide may be of help, too.


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