[ZPT] Accessing Brains Using ZPT

Doug Tillman Doug.Tillman at grainger.com
Thu May 27 23:07:50 EDT 2004

I'm attempting to use a Brain bound to a ZSQL method.  While I have no
trouble finding a DTML example of how to access a method of my bound
class in a loop I can't find a tal:repeat example.  Is this even doable
with ZPT?

I tried a variety of approaches canibalized from various references.  I
had great hopes for this one:
<span tal:define="doc nocall:container/cvsusersobj"
      tal:content="string:${doc/fullName}">Full Name</span>

where cvsuserobj is a DTML method that defined the class fullName
attribute in a dtml-var.

Any help, code snippets, pointers to resources or examples would be
most welcome.


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