[ZPT] Re: tal:repeat problem

Tonico Strasser contact_tonico at yahoo.de
Fri May 28 06:05:52 EDT 2004

Nguyen, Joe wrote:

> Let’s say I have a list that I pass to a zpt.  I’ll call this  nameList, 
> with lets say there are 1000+ names on the list.
> I want to display this within a table with only 12 columns. This is 
> where my problem lies.  I’m sure there’s an easy way but I couldn’t quit 
> figure it out!  I have something like this but it doesn’t work at all, 
> just to give you an idea

Not sure what you mean, maybe you want something like this:

<table tal:define="items python: 1000;
                    cols python: 12;
                    remainder python: items % cols;
                    rows python: items / cols;
                    rows python: test(remainder, rows + 1, rows);">
   <tr tal:repeat="row python: range(rows);">
     <td tal:define="start python: cols * row;
                     end python: start + cols;"
         tal:repeat="item python: range(start, end);"
         tal:content="python: test(item <= items, item, 'x');"/>

> Also, is there a function that can tell if it’s at the end of the list?

Yes, see the ZPT help in the ZMI or the Zope book.


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