[ZPT] URL query string variables to call a macro or template

KJ Moffatt, Careers Advisory Service Keir.Moffatt at bristol.ac.uk
Wed Sep 15 09:51:42 EDT 2004

Hi all,

I want to use the url query string variables (e.g. 
index_html?id=book1&page=19) to call a macro or template.

## Example Page Template code

<!-- Example query string is ?include=test&name=testname -->

<div tal:define="incfile request/include; incname request/name">
<h2>The macro you are using is: <b tal:content="string: 

<!-- Then I want to call the macro using the $incname variable so
     rather than use=macro="here/test/macros/testname"
     I'd like to use the following: -->

<div metal:use-macro="here/$incfile/macros/$incname">footer</div>


## Code ends

The above obviously does not work for me but I have been told that:

1. I could use tal:replace="python:path('here/' + incfile ....
2. It may not be possible with metal.

PLEASE can someone help as this has had me stumped for ages.

Thanks for your time,


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