[ZPT] XSLT version of TAL, pushing caching to the client

Brad Clements bkc at murkworks.com
Fri Jul 22 18:58:04 EDT 2005

On 22 Jul 2005 at 23:34, Tino Wildenhain wrote:

> I wonder what this buys you other then the well recognized XSLT-label.
> XHTML+CSS where the XHTML is produced by simple and understandable TAL
> can do all you would need. But thats just me...

But server-rendered html cannot do anything except have the client 
cache the entire page. If you don't resort to xmlhttp request, then the 
client only gets what you sent as fully rendered html.

therefore, only entire pages are cached, not parts, nor the backing data 
that makes the page (like the blogroll or nav tab from my previous 

Brad Clements,                bkc at murkworks.com    (315)268-1000
AOL-IM or SKYPE: BKClements

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