[ZPT] creating a definition list with tal

gf gyromagnetic at gmail.com
Wed Apr 19 10:39:37 EDT 2006

I am having difficulties constructing a definition list using tal. I
have searched for relevant information, but have not found anything

I have a python script 'get_subfolder_info' that returns a list of
dictionaries containing subfolder information [{url1,summary1,alias1},
 {url2,summary2,alias2}, ...]

I would like to create something like the following:
<dt><a href="url1">alias1</a></dt>
<dt><a href="url2">alias2</a></dt>

Below I have listed a couple of the variations of code that I have tried.

I'd appreciate any help or advice you can give.



The following creates repeated definition lists:


<dl tal:define="folder_info get_subfolder_info"
tal:repeat="finfo folder_info">
<dt><a tal:attributes="href finfo/url"
       tal:content="finfo/alias">the term</a></dt>
<dd tal:content="finfo/summary">the definition</dd>


If I include a 'span' to repeat only the dt and dd tagged elements,
the list is not formatted properly (the 'span' messes up the 'dd'

<dl tal:define="folder_info get_subfolder_info">
<span tal:repeat="finfo folder_info">
<dt><a tal:attributes="href finfo/url"
       tal:content="finfo/alias">the term</a></dt>
<dd tal:content="finfo/summary">the definition</dd>

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