[ZPT] Re: javascript and ZPT

Tonico Strasser contact_tonico at yahoo.de
Fri Apr 28 06:39:51 EDT 2006

Rakotomandimby Mihamina schrieb:
> Hi,
> Have you got some links that talk about good pratices about mixing zpt
> and javascript?

Just insert a script element somewhere in your HTML page :)

Do you have special use cases?

> Javascript seems (according to my reads) usefull for ajaxification, and
> I would like to learn to use it in Zope and ZPTs.

If you use Python Scripts or DTML for dynamic JavaScripts don't forget 
to set the Content-Type response header to 'text/javascript'.

I think PageTemplates are not useful for dynamic JavaScripts because 
JavaScript is not a XML language.

Here a few articles regarding best practices:

Ajax Mistakes

XMLHttpRequest Usability Guidelines

Fixing the back button that AJAX broke

Using JavaScript for good, not evil

Unobtrusive Javascript (scroll down)

AJAX and Accessibility


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