[BlueBream] IntId getObject not resolving to objects

Thierry Florac tflorac at ulthar.net
Wed Sep 15 01:36:58 EDT 2010

Le mardi 14 septembre,
  Jonah Crawford <jonah at microgridsystems.com> a écrit :

> I have a situation intids are not resolving back to the objects
> they're paired to:
> using  -->  return getUtility(IIntIds).getObject(intid)
> I get the following trace:
> #id	1683701620
> #self	<zope.intid.IntIds object at 0x3632130>
> #
> #>>  return self.refs[id]()
> #TypeError: 'NamedGroup' object is not callable
> I've read the IntIds class and double checked that its zcml
> implements IKeyReference.
> In fact here is the zcml 
> <class class=".channel.Channel">
>   <implements
>      interface="zope.annotation.interfaces.IAttributeAnnotatable"
>      />
>   <implements
>      interface="zope.container.interfaces.IContainer" 
>      />
>   <implements
>      interface="zope.keyreference.interfaces.IKeyReference"
>      />
>   <implements
>      interface="zope.keyreference.interfaces.IKeyReference"
>      />
> I can access the utility and see the intid, reference pairs but any
> thoughts on what will make it resolve ? 
> Are there any other implements I need in the zcml to make this work ?

Could you be more explicit about your "situation" ?

I thing you also have to include zope.app.keyreference ZCML file.
But I'm not sure at all if it is what's missing in your use case...


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