[Checkins] SVN: five.localsitemanager/ Initial directory layout and code for five.localsitemanager.

Rocky Burt rocky at serverzen.com
Thu Feb 22 09:58:45 EST 2007

Log message for revision 72762:
  Initial directory layout and code for five.localsitemanager.

  A   five.localsitemanager/branches/
  A   five.localsitemanager/tags/
  A   five.localsitemanager/trunk/
  A   five.localsitemanager/trunk/CHANGES.txt
  A   five.localsitemanager/trunk/INSTALL.txt
  A   five.localsitemanager/trunk/MANIFEST.in
  A   five.localsitemanager/trunk/README.txt
  A   five.localsitemanager/trunk/setup.cfg.in
  A   five.localsitemanager/trunk/setup.py
  A   five.localsitemanager/trunk/src/
  A   five.localsitemanager/trunk/src/five/
  A   five.localsitemanager/trunk/src/five/__init__.py
  A   five.localsitemanager/trunk/src/five/localsitemanager/
  A   five.localsitemanager/trunk/src/five/localsitemanager/__init__.py
  A   five.localsitemanager/trunk/src/five/localsitemanager/browser.py
  A   five.localsitemanager/trunk/src/five/localsitemanager/components.py
  A   five.localsitemanager/trunk/src/five/localsitemanager/localsitemanager.txt
  A   five.localsitemanager/trunk/src/five/localsitemanager/overrides.zcml
  A   five.localsitemanager/trunk/src/five/localsitemanager/tests.py

Added: five.localsitemanager/trunk/CHANGES.txt
--- five.localsitemanager/trunk/CHANGES.txt	2007-02-22 14:57:32 UTC (rev 72761)
+++ five.localsitemanager/trunk/CHANGES.txt	2007-02-22 14:58:44 UTC (rev 72762)
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+five.localsitemanager 0.1 (unreleased)
+Initial version

Added: five.localsitemanager/trunk/INSTALL.txt
--- five.localsitemanager/trunk/INSTALL.txt	2007-02-22 14:57:32 UTC (rev 72761)
+++ five.localsitemanager/trunk/INSTALL.txt	2007-02-22 14:58:44 UTC (rev 72762)
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+Installing This Package
+* Zope 2.10.x
+* setuptools_
+Place the ``five`` top-level package into your instance's
+``lib/python`` directory.  You can also install it as an egg using
+easy_install_, for example into your instance by turning it into a
+Place a ``five.localsitemanager-configure.zcml`` file into your instance's
+``etc/package-includes`` directory with the following contents::
+  <include package="five.localsitemanager" />
+Alternatively, you can also add this line to the bottom of
+Running the Tests
+Use the following command to run this package's tests:
+  $ bin/zopectl test -s five.localsitemanager
+.. _workingenv: http://cheeseshop.python.org/pypi/workingenv.py
+.. _easy_install: http://peak.telecommunity.com/DevCenter/EasyInstall
+.. _setuptools: http://peak.telecommunity.com/DevCenter/setuptools

Added: five.localsitemanager/trunk/MANIFEST.in
--- five.localsitemanager/trunk/MANIFEST.in	2007-02-22 14:57:32 UTC (rev 72761)
+++ five.localsitemanager/trunk/MANIFEST.in	2007-02-22 14:58:44 UTC (rev 72762)
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+exclude setup.cfg

Added: five.localsitemanager/trunk/README.txt
--- five.localsitemanager/trunk/README.txt	2007-02-22 14:57:32 UTC (rev 72761)
+++ five.localsitemanager/trunk/README.txt	2007-02-22 14:58:44 UTC (rev 72762)
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+``five.localsitemanager`` provides a local site manager based on the
+standard Zope 3 local site manager for Zope 2.
+See CHANGES.txt.
+See INSTALL.txt.
+Developer Resources
+- Subversion browser:
+  http://svn.zope.org/five.localsitemanager
+- Read-only Subversion checkout:
+  $ svn co svn://svn.zope.org/repos/main/five.localsitemanager/trunk
+- Writable Subversion checkout:
+  $ svn co svn+ssh://svn.zope.org/repos/main/five.localsitemanager/trunk

Added: five.localsitemanager/trunk/setup.cfg.in
--- five.localsitemanager/trunk/setup.cfg.in	2007-02-22 14:57:32 UTC (rev 72761)
+++ five.localsitemanager/trunk/setup.cfg.in	2007-02-22 14:58:44 UTC (rev 72762)
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+tag_build = .dev
+tag_svn_revision = 1

Added: five.localsitemanager/trunk/setup.py
--- five.localsitemanager/trunk/setup.py	2007-02-22 14:57:32 UTC (rev 72761)
+++ five.localsitemanager/trunk/setup.py	2007-02-22 14:58:44 UTC (rev 72762)
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2007 Zope Corporation and Contributors.
+# All Rights Reserved.
+# This software is subject to the provisions of the Zope Public License,
+# Version 2.1 (ZPL).  A copy of the ZPL should accompany this distribution.
+"""Setup for five.localsitemanager package
+import os
+from setuptools import setup, Extension
+      version='0.1',
+      url='http://svn.zope.org/five.localsitemanager',
+      license='ZPL 2.1',
+      description='Local site manager implementation for Zope 2',
+      author='Zope Corporation and Contributors',
+      author_email='z3-five at codespeak.net',
+      long_description='',
+      packages=['five', 'five.localsitemanager'],
+      package_dir = {'': 'src'},
+      namespace_packages=['five',],
+      include_package_data = True,
+      zip_safe = True,
+      )

Added: five.localsitemanager/trunk/src/five/__init__.py
--- five.localsitemanager/trunk/src/five/__init__.py	2007-02-22 14:57:32 UTC (rev 72761)
+++ five.localsitemanager/trunk/src/five/__init__.py	2007-02-22 14:58:44 UTC (rev 72762)
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+# namespace package boilerplate
+    __import__('pkg_resources').declare_namespace(__name__)
+except ImportError, e:
+    from pkgutil import extend_path
+    __path__ = extend_path(__path__, __name__)

Added: five.localsitemanager/trunk/src/five/localsitemanager/__init__.py
--- five.localsitemanager/trunk/src/five/localsitemanager/__init__.py	2007-02-22 14:57:32 UTC (rev 72761)
+++ five.localsitemanager/trunk/src/five/localsitemanager/__init__.py	2007-02-22 14:58:44 UTC (rev 72762)
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+# make this directory a package

Added: five.localsitemanager/trunk/src/five/localsitemanager/browser.py
--- five.localsitemanager/trunk/src/five/localsitemanager/browser.py	2007-02-22 14:57:32 UTC (rev 72761)
+++ five.localsitemanager/trunk/src/five/localsitemanager/browser.py	2007-02-22 14:58:44 UTC (rev 72762)
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+from five.localsitemanager.components import FivePersistentComponents
+from zope.component.globalregistry import base
+from Products.Five.component.browser import ObjectManagerSiteView
+from Products.Five.component.interfaces import IObjectManagerSite
+from Products.Five.component import enableSite
+class ObjectManagerSiteView(ObjectManagerSiteView):
+    """Configure the site setup for an ObjectManager.
+    """
+    def makeSite(self):
+        if IObjectManagerSite.providedBy(self.context):
+            raise ValueError('This is already a site')
+        enableSite(self.context, iface=IObjectManagerSite)
+        #TODO in the future we'll have to walk up to other site
+        # managers and put them in the bases
+        components = FivePersistentComponents()
+        components.__bases__ = (base,)
+        self.context.setSiteManager(components)

Added: five.localsitemanager/trunk/src/five/localsitemanager/components.py
--- five.localsitemanager/trunk/src/five/localsitemanager/components.py	2007-02-22 14:57:32 UTC (rev 72761)
+++ five.localsitemanager/trunk/src/five/localsitemanager/components.py	2007-02-22 14:58:44 UTC (rev 72762)
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+from zope.component.persistentregistry import PersistentComponents
+class FivePersistentComponents(PersistentComponents):
+    pass

Added: five.localsitemanager/trunk/src/five/localsitemanager/localsitemanager.txt
--- five.localsitemanager/trunk/src/five/localsitemanager/localsitemanager.txt	2007-02-22 14:57:32 UTC (rev 72761)
+++ five.localsitemanager/trunk/src/five/localsitemanager/localsitemanager.txt	2007-02-22 14:58:44 UTC (rev 72762)
@@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
+Local Site Manager
+We start from an empty folder.  Since ``OFS.Folder``'s extend
+``ObjectSiteManager`` they all get to be ``IPossibleSite``'s.
+    >>> from OFS.Folder import Folder
+    >>> site = Folder('site')
+Of course we now need to transform that IPossibleSite into a real ISite.
+    >>> import zope.component
+    >>> from zope.app.component.hooks import setSite as setActiveSite
+    >>> from five.localsitemanager.browser import ObjectManagerSiteView
+    >>> siteconfig = ObjectManagerSiteView(site, None)
+    >>> siteconfig.makeSite()
+    >>> sitemanager = site.getSiteManager()
+    >>> sitemanager
+    <FivePersistentComponents ...>
+Utilities can now be registered with our site manager.  We can confirm this
+by setting up a test utility.
+    >>> from OFS.SimpleItem import SimpleItem
+    >>> from zope import interface
+    >>> class ITestUtility(interface.Interface):
+    ...     def helloworld(): pass
+    >>> class TestUtility(SimpleItem):
+    ...     interface.implements(ITestUtility)
+    ...     def helloworld(self):
+    ...         print 'Hello World'
+    >>> sitemanager.registerUtility(TestUtility('test'),
+    ...                             name=u'hello_world',
+    ...                             provided=ITestUtility)
+    >>> sitemanager.getUtility(ITestUtility, name=u'hello_world')
+    <TestUtility ...>
+Make sure the utility lookup only works when the correct active site has
+been configured.
+    >>> setActiveSite(None)
+    >>> zope.component.queryUtility(ITestUtility, name=u'hello_world') is None
+    True
+    >>> setActiveSite(site)
+    >>> zope.component.queryUtility(ITestUtility, name=u'hello_world')
+    <TestUtility ...>
+Adapters can now be registered with our site manager.  We can confirm this
+by setting up a test adapter.
+    >>> from OFS.SimpleItem import SimpleItem
+    >>> from zope import interface
+    >>> class IFoo(interface.Interface): pass
+    >>> class Foo(object): interface.implements(IFoo)
+    >>> class ITestAdapter(interface.Interface): pass
+    >>> class TestAdapter(SimpleItem): interface.implements(ITestAdapter)
+    >>> sitemanager.registerAdapter(TestAdapter,
+    ...                             required=(IFoo,),
+    ...                             provided=ITestAdapter)
+    >>> sitemanager.getAdapter(Foo(), ITestAdapter)
+    <TestAdapter ...>
+Make sure the adapter lookup only works when the correct active site has
+been configured.
+    >>> setActiveSite(None)
+    >>> zope.component.queryAdapter(Foo(), ITestAdapter) is None
+    True
+    >>> setActiveSite(site)
+    >>> zope.component.queryAdapter(Foo(), ITestAdapter)
+    <TestAdapter ...>
+    >>> ITestAdapter(Foo())
+    <TestAdapter ...>

Added: five.localsitemanager/trunk/src/five/localsitemanager/overrides.zcml
--- five.localsitemanager/trunk/src/five/localsitemanager/overrides.zcml	2007-02-22 14:57:32 UTC (rev 72761)
+++ five.localsitemanager/trunk/src/five/localsitemanager/overrides.zcml	2007-02-22 14:58:44 UTC (rev 72762)
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+    xmlns="http://namespaces.zope.org/zope"
+    xmlns:browser="http://namespaces.zope.org/browser">
+  <configure package="Products.Five.component">
+    <browser:page
+        for="OFS.interfaces.IObjectManager"
+        name="components.html"
+        class="five.localsitemanager.browser.ObjectManagerSiteView"
+        template="components.pt"
+        permission="five.ManageSite"
+        />
+  </configure>

Added: five.localsitemanager/trunk/src/five/localsitemanager/tests.py
--- five.localsitemanager/trunk/src/five/localsitemanager/tests.py	2007-02-22 14:57:32 UTC (rev 72761)
+++ five.localsitemanager/trunk/src/five/localsitemanager/tests.py	2007-02-22 14:58:44 UTC (rev 72762)
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+import unittest
+from Testing.ZopeTestCase import ZopeDocFileSuite
+from Testing.ZopeTestCase import FunctionalDocFileSuite
+def test_suite():
+    return unittest.TestSuite([
+        ZopeDocFileSuite('localsitemanager.txt',
+                         package="five.localsitemanager")
+        ])
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+    unittest.main(defaultTest='test_suite')

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