February 2007 Archives by subject
Starting: Thu Feb 1 05:44:45 EST 2007
Ending: Wed Feb 28 23:36:19 EST 2007
Messages: 691
- [Checkins]
SVN: lovely.viewcache/trunk/src/lovely/viewcache/ftesting.zcml
be compatible with older zope versions
Baiju M
- [Checkins]
SVN: CMF/branches/jens_tools_as_utilities/CMFCore/src/__init__.py
Added a necessary __init__.py so that the zope testrunner
would be a little happier.
Rocky Burt
- [Checkins]
SVN: CMF/branches/jens_tools_as_utilities/CMFCore/src/five/
Accidentally added the tag as 1.0 when it should have been 0.1
Rocky Burt
- [Checkins]
SVN: CMF/trunk/CMFDefault/skins/zpt_generic/zpt_stylesheet.css
- css tweaking
Yvo Schubbe
- [Checkins]
SVN: CMF/trunk/CMFDefault/skins/zpt_generic/zpt_stylesheet.css
- minor form tweaking
Yvo Schubbe
- [Checkins]
SVN: five.customerize/branches/baarn-sprint/src/five/customerize/
added an interface for `TTWViewTemplate` to be able to
register the view using an interface instead of the class;
otherwise the attribute `__identifier__` won't be available for those
views, which breaks five.customerize itself as it uses it to
display information about the views
Andreas Zeidler
- [Checkins]
SVN: five.customerize/branches/baarn-sprint/src/five/customerize/
introduced an interface for a container holding all
customized templates, so they don't clutter up the site
folder (which in case of plone will be the site root, which
is pretty crowded already anyway);
if no utility implementing the container interface can be found, the
old behaviour (adding to the nearest site) is used as a fallback
Andreas Zeidler
- [Checkins]
SVN: five.customerize/trunk/src/five/customerize/customerize.txt
get the numbering right :)
Andreas Zeidler
- [Checkins]
SVN: five.localsitemanager/trunk/src/five/localsitemanager/
Basic nested site functionality in place. Needs more tests.
Rocky Burt
- [Checkins]
SVN: five.localsitemanager/trunk/src/five/localsitemanager/
Did some restructuring and clean up. The components module is
not required
Rocky Burt
- [Checkins]
SVN: five.localsitemanager/trunk/src/five/localsitemanager/
Fist passing at a working local site manager complete.
Functional tests show
Rocky Burt
- [Checkins]
SVN: five.localsitemanager/trunk/src/five/localsitemanager/
Removed old import of interfaces. Curse those pyc files!
Rocky Burt
- [Checkins]
SVN: five.localsitemanager/trunk/src/five/localsitemanager/
Updated aq wrapping to only take place when the given
component is actually
Rocky Burt
- [Checkins]
SVN: five.localsitemanager/trunk/src/five/localsitemanager/
Use our own component registry that extends ObjectManager so that we
Rocky Burt
- [Checkins]
SVN: five.localsitemanager/trunk/src/five/localsitemanager/
Utilities returned by the site manager now get their aq chain
updated so
Rocky Burt
- [Checkins]
SVN: five.localsitemanager/trunk/src/five/localsitemanager/tests.py
Added a zope2 hack so that an empty test suite is returned if
localsitemanager was mangled into sys.path.
Rocky Burt
- [Checkins]
SVN: gocept.zope3instance/trunk/src/gocept/zope3instance/__init__.py
refactored recipe to be able to use validateZ3Path from other
Christian Zagrodnick
- [Checkins]
SVN: gocept.zope3instance/trunk/src/gocept/zope3instance/skel/
split ftesing.zcml principals into separate file
Christian Zagrodnick
- [Checkins]
SVN: gocept.zope3instance/trunk/src/gocept/zope3instance/skel/base.zcml
using zope.app.zcmlfiles
Christian Zagrodnick
- [Checkins]
SVN: grokproject/trunk/src/grokproject/template/buildout.cfg_tmpl
Can now use Zope 3.3.1, which contains Python 2.4.4 fixes (yay!)
Philipp von Weitershausen
- [Checkins]
SVN: grokproject/trunk/src/grokproject/template/src/+package+/+module+.py_tmpl
Make auto-generated class a grok.Application by default.
Philipp von Weitershausen
- [Checkins]
SVN: lovely.tag/trunk/src/lovely/tag/generations/evolve1.py
removed unrequired print
Manfred Schwendinger
- [Checkins]
SVN: lovely.viewcache/trunk/src/lovely/viewcache/browser/configure.zcml
Allow adding a ZODB ViewCache using ZMI
Jürgen Kartnaller
- [Checkins]
SVN: lovely.viewcache/trunk/src/lovely/viewcache/browser/configure.zcml
Better ZMI integration.
Jürgen Kartnaller
- [Checkins]
SVN: lovely.viewcache/trunk/src/lovely/viewcache/ftesting.zcml
be compatible with older zope versions
Bernd Dorn
- [Checkins]
SVN: lovely.viewcache/trunk/src/lovely/viewcache/ftests.py
Remove the not existing demo.
Jürgen Kartnaller
- [Checkins]
SVN: lovely.viewcache/trunk/src/lovely/viewcache/HOWTOUSE.txt
Some more details
Jürgen Kartnaller
- [Checkins]
SVN: megrok.five/trunk/src/megrok/five/tests/test_container.py
also point out that a megrok.five.Container is an object manager.
Philipp von Weitershausen
- [Checkins]
SVN: megrok.five/trunk/src/megrok/five/tests/test_container.py
put the doctest into a module-level docstring,
like we typically do in
Philipp von Weitershausen
- [Checkins]
SVN: megrok.five/trunk/src/megrok/five/tests/test_container.py
remove whitespace
Philipp von Weitershausen
- [Checkins]
SVN: megrok.five/trunk/TodoList/src/todolist/todoitem_templates/index.pt
work around an acquisition annoyance by using a relative url
part. surprisingly
Philipp von Weitershausen
- [Checkins]
SVN: z3c.configurator/trunk/src/z3c/configurator/vocabulary.py
make vocabulary sorted
Bernd Dorn
- [Checkins]
SVN: z3c.macroviewlet/trunk/src/z3c/macroviewlet/README.txt
Correct description
Roger Ineichen
- [Checkins]
SVN: z3c.multiform/Sandbox/src/z3c/multiform/multiform.py
rename Multiform.setUpForms/.setUpForm to .setUpItems/.setUpItem
Stefan Martin
- [Checkins]
SVN: z3c.multiform/Sandbox/src/z3c/multiform/multiform.py
Test of form_reset in update. This allow to call
setUpWidgets() outside before update().
Stefan Martin
- [Checkins]
SVN: z3c.quickentry/trunk/src/z3c/quickentry/processor.py
Oops, forgot to pass position.
Stephan Richter
- [Checkins]
SVN: z3c.sessionwidget/trunk/src/z3c/sessionwidget/widget.py
use a hash as key, and extracted key generation method
Bernd Dorn
- [Checkins]
SVN: z3c.sessionwidget/trunk/src/z3c/sessionwidget/widget.py
use a more unique key for the session
Bernd Dorn
- [Checkins]
SVN: z3c.traverser/trunk/src/z3c/traverser/viewlet/testing/m
remove unused files
Bernd Dorn
- [Checkins]
SVN: z3c.traverser/trunk/src/z3c/traverser/viewlet/z3c.traverser.viewlet-configure.zcml
add slug
Bernd Dorn
- [Checkins]
SVN: z3c.widget/trunk/src/z3c/widget/flashupload/resources/
bugfix: text sizes
Manfred Schwendinger
- [Checkins]
SVN: zc.datetimewidget/branches/gintas-dateranges/src/zc/datetimewidget/ftesting.zcml
make ftests work and remove deprecation warnings
Gary Poster
- [Checkins]
SVN: zc.recipe.deployment/trunk/src/zc/recipe/deployment/ Fixed bug:
Jim Fulton
- [Checkins]
SVN: zc.recipe.testrunner/trunk/src/zc/recipe/testrunner/
Changed the behaviour if no working directory is specified:
an empty part
Thomas Lotze
- [Checkins]
SVN: zc.recipe.testrunner/trunk/src/zc/recipe/testrunner/
check for existence of the part dir before creating it
Thomas Lotze
- [Checkins]
SVN: zc.selenium/trunk/src/zc/selenium/resources/scripts/user-extensions.js
backported deleteCookie function from Selenium 0.8.2.
Christian Zagrodnick
- [Checkins]
SVN: zc.sharing/trunk/src/zc/sharing/browser/ftesting.zcml
make ftests work and remove deprecation warnings
Gary Poster
- [Checkins]
SVN: ZODB/branches/fdrake-optional-64bits/src/ZODB/DemoStorage.py
fix bug visible when serving a demostorage via zeo
Benji York
- [Checkins]
SVN: ZODB/trunk/src/ZODB/tests/TransactionalUndoStorage.py
- fix undo test to snooze() before determining the pack time
Christian Theune
- [Checkins]
SVN: zope.file/branches/ajung-blobs/src/zope/file/browser.txt
more tests fixed
Andreas Jung
- [Checkins]
SVN: zope.file/branches/ajung-blobs/src/zope/file/download.txt
adjusted tests since we can not open a reader and writer
Andreas Jung
- [Checkins]
SVN: zope.file/branches/ajung-blobs/src/zope/file/file.py
forgotten 'size'
Andreas Jung
- [Checkins]
SVN: zope.file/branches/ajung-blobs/src/zope/file/file.py
re-added Reader/Writer classes...don't try to be smarter than
Fred :-)
Andreas Jung
- [Checkins]
SVN: zope.file/branches/ajung-blobs/src/zope/file/file.py some fixes
Andreas Jung
- [Checkins]
SVN: zope.file/branches/ajung-blobs/src/zope/file/README.txt
fixed and removed several because the semantics concerning
Andreas Jung
- [Checkins]
SVN: zope.file/branches/ajung-blobs/src/zope/file/README.txt updated
Andreas Jung
- [Checkins]
SVN: zope.schema/trunk/ Buildoutification of zope.schema,
added setuptools dependency.
Michael Bernstein
- [Checkins]
SVN: Zope/branches/2.10/lib/python/Products/PageTemplates/tests/testZopePageTemplate.py
test for unicode workaround in ZRPythonExpr
Andreas Jung
- [Checkins]
SVN: Zope/branches/2.10/lib/python/Products/PythonScripts/
Merged r72753:72754 from 2.9 branch.
Stefan H. Holek
- [Checkins]
SVN: Zope/branches/2.9/lib/python/Products/PythonScripts/
Raise SyntaxError when encountering invalid PythonScript headers.
Stefan H. Holek
- [Checkins]
SVN: Zope/trunk/lib/python/Products/PageTemplates/__init__.py
removed monkey patch since this related code has been fixed
Andreas Jung
- [Checkins]
SVN: Zope/trunk/lib/python/Products/PageTemplates/tests/testZopePageTemplate.py
test for unicode workaround in ZRPythonExpr
Andreas Jung
- [Checkins]
SVN: Zope3/branches/3.3/src/zope/app/interface/tests/test_interface.py
Oops, guess I didn't fix it.
Ross Patterson
- [Checkins]
SVN: Zope3/trunk/src/zope/app/applicationcontrol/browser/ftests/test_zodbcontrol.py
more specific name for the layer
Jodok Batlogg
- [Checkins]
SVN: Zope3/trunk/src/zope/configuration/tests/test_xmlconfig.py
Make sure including zope.app.zcmlfiles in configuration works.
Baiju M
- [Checkins]
SVN: Zope3/trunk/src/zope/configuration/tests/test_xmlconfig.py
Testing the configuration of zope.app.zcmlfiles should be elsewhere.
Baiju M
- [Checkins]
SVN: Zope3/trunk/src/zope/interface/common/tests/test_import_interfaces.py
Added an interface import test.
Jim Fulton
- [Checkins] CVS: Products/ZopeVersionControl -
EventLog.py:NONE IVersionControl.py:NONE Repository.py:NONE
SequenceWrapper.py:NONE Utility.py:NONE Version.py:NONE
VersionHistory.py:NONE VersionSupport.py:NONE
ZopeRepository.py:NONE ZopeVersion.py:NONE
ZopeVersionHistory.py:NONE __init__.py:NONE issues.txt:NONE
nonversioned.py:NONE version.txt:NONE
Tres Seaver
- [Checkins] CVS: Products/ZopeVersionControl - CHANGES.txt:1.9
Tres Seaver
- [Checkins] CVS: Products/ZopeVersionControl/dtml -
RepositoryAddForm.dtml:NONE RepositoryManageMain.dtml:NONE
RepositoryProperties.dtml:NONE VersionControlLog.dtml:NONE
VersionControlMain.dtml:NONE VersionHistoryManageMain.dtml:NONE
VersionManageMain.dtml:NONE VersionProperties.dtml:NONE
Tres Seaver
- [Checkins] CVS: Products/ZopeVersionControl/help -
Repository-Add.stx:NONE Repository-Manage.stx:NONE
Repository-Properties.stx:NONE Version-Manage.stx:NONE
Version-Properties.stx:NONE VersionControl.stx:NONE
VersionHistory-Manage.stx:NONE VersionHistory-Properties.stx:NONE
Tres Seaver
- [Checkins] CVS: Products/ZopeVersionControl/tests -
__init__.py:NONE common.py:NONE
testReferenceVersioning.py:NONE testVersionControl.py:NONE
Tres Seaver
- [Checkins] CVS: Products/ZopeVersionControl/tests - common.py:1.1
Tres Seaver
- [Checkins] CVS: Products/ZopeVersionControl/www -
Repository.gif:NONE Version.gif:NONE VersionHistory.gif:NONE
Tres Seaver
- [Checkins] Re: SVN: Product.ZSQLAlchemy/ added
Philipp von Weitershausen
- [Checkins] Re: SVN: Zope3/trunk/src/zope/app/module/ Use normal
strings for ModuleManager names
Ross Patterson
- [Checkins] Re: SVN: Zope3/trunk/src/zope/app/module/ Use normal
strings for ModuleManager names
Philipp von Weitershausen
- [Checkins] SVN:
be compatible with older zope versions
Baiju M
- [Checkins] SVN: CMF/branches/1.6/ - preparing CMF 1.6.3
Jens Vagelpohl
- [Checkins] SVN: CMF/branches/jens_tools_as_utilities/CMF -
hardcoded PortalObjectBase as IObjectManagerSite
Yvo Schubbe
- [Checkins] SVN: CMF/branches/jens_tools_as_utilities/CMFCore/ Added
appropriate zcml inclusion of five.localsitemanager ... this
required moving the sys.path mangling out of the initialize
Rocky Burt
- [Checkins] SVN: CMF/branches/jens_tools_as_utilities/CMFCore/ Added
src/ as a PYTHONPATH directory if five.localsitemanager
cannot be imported.
Rocky Burt
- [Checkins] SVN: CMF/branches/yuppie-collector467/ branch for
Yvo Schubbe
- [Checkins] SVN: CMF/branches/yuppie-collector467/CMF - updated
Yvo Schubbe
- [Checkins] SVN: CMF/branches/yuppie-collector467/CMFCore/ -
refactored path and registry key handling based on wichert's
cmf-dirview-keying-2 patch
Yvo Schubbe
- [Checkins] SVN: CMF/tags/1.6.3/ - tagging CMF 1.6.3
Jens Vagelpohl
- [Checkins] SVN: CMF/trunk/ - Adjust dependencies
Jens Vagelpohl
- [Checkins] SVN: CMF/trunk/C "not members" is a bogus test to
determine whether a members folder exists or
Chris McDonough
- [Checkins] SVN: CMF/trunk/C - added registerDirectory ZCML directive
Yvo Schubbe
- [Checkins] SVN: CMF/trunk/C - CMFCore.MembershipTool: Fixed
inconsistent behavior where member lookup
Jens Vagelpohl
- [Checkins] SVN: CMF/trunk/C merged yuppie-collector467 branch:
Yvo Schubbe
- [Checkins] SVN: CMF/trunk/C refactored safety belt handling:
Yvo Schubbe
- [Checkins] SVN: CMF/trunk/CMF - fixed wl_isLocked handling
Yvo Schubbe
- [Checkins] SVN: CMF/trunk/CMFCore/DirectoryView.py - added BBB code
in createDirectoryView
Yvo Schubbe
- [Checkins] SVN: CMF/trunk/CMFCore/DirectoryView.py Those paths
should be relative, not absolute
Wichert Akkerman
- [Checkins] SVN: CMF/trunk/CMFCore/dtml/ - fixed dtml files broken
by recent renaming
Yvo Schubbe
- [Checkins] SVN: CMF/trunk/CMFCore/testing.py - removed obsolete BBB
Yvo Schubbe
- [Checkins] SVN: CMF/trunk/CMFCore/tests/test_FSPageTemplate.py -
declared source encoding
Yvo Schubbe
- [Checkins] SVN: CMF/trunk/CMFDefault/ - added formlib based form
for File and Image
Yvo Schubbe
- [Checkins] SVN: CMF/trunk/CMFDefault/ - added image interfaces
Yvo Schubbe
- [Checkins] SVN: CMF/trunk/CMFDefault/ - improved safety belt
handling, using the new Document methods
Yvo Schubbe
- [Checkins] SVN: CMF/trunk/CMFDefault/ - replaced document and news
item edit forms by formlib based forms
Yvo Schubbe
- [Checkins] SVN: CMF/trunk/CMFDefault/ - simplified format handling,
fixing some minor issues
Yvo Schubbe
- [Checkins] SVN: CMF/trunk/CMFDefault/DiscussionTool.py Fix unsafe
hasattr usage
Wichert Akkerman
- [Checkins] SVN: CMF/trunk/CMFDefault/formlib/schema. - added Pdata
Yvo Schubbe
- [Checkins] SVN: CMF_Extras/trunk/CMFCollector/ - Ignore .pyc files.
Tres Seaver
- [Checkins] SVN: CMF_Extras/trunk/CMFCollector/C Conform to
expectation of new CMFCore.CatalogTool in 'enumerateIndexes'
Tres Seaver
- [Checkins] SVN: CMF_Extras/trunk/CMFCollector/version.txt Note
current version.
Tres Seaver
- [Checkins] SVN: five.customerize/branches/ 'baarn-sprint' is
probably not such a good idea for the name of the branch as
'five.customerize' should become a part of plone 3.0 soon...
Andreas Zeidler
- [Checkins] SVN: five.customerize/branches/baarn-sprint/ created
version for changes made at the baarn ui sprint
Andreas Zeidler
- [Checkins] SVN: five.customerize/branches/baarn-sprint/ the
external for projectsupport/ is not needed on the branch, imho
Andreas Zeidler
- [Checkins] SVN: five.customerize/branches/plone-3.0-branch/ added
svn:ignores to stick to the conventions used for ploneout and
the plone 3.0 bundles
Andreas Zeidler
- [Checkins] SVN: five.localsitemanager/ Initial directory layout and
code for five.localsitemanager.
Rocky Burt
- [Checkins] SVN: five.localsitemanager/ New five.localsitemanager
Rocky Burt
- [Checkins] SVN: five.localsitemanager/tags/release-0.1/ Make a
quiet pseudo 0.1 release, the sequel.
Rocky Burt
- [Checkins] SVN: five.localsitemanager/tags/release-0.1/ Rebuilding
the 0.1 release tag, part 1.
Rocky Burt
- [Checkins] SVN: five.localsitemanager/tags/release-0.1/ Rebuilding
the 0.1 release tag, part 2.
Rocky Burt
- [Checkins] SVN: five.localsitemanager/tags/release-0.1/ Retagging
0.1 release, part 2.
Rocky Burt
- [Checkins] SVN: five.localsitemanager/tags/release-0.1/ Retagging
0.1 release.
Rocky Burt
- [Checkins] SVN: five.localsitemanager/tags/release-1.0/
Accidentally added tag as 1.0
Rocky Burt
- [Checkins] SVN: five.localsitemanager/tags/release-1.0/ Make a
quiet pseudo 0.1 release.
Rocky Burt
- [Checkins] SVN: five.localsitemanager/trunk/INSTALL.txt Updated
installation instructions to indicate using overrides.zcml as well.
Rocky Burt
- [Checkins] SVN: GenericSetup/trunk/context.py - fixed readDataFile
(PageTemplates now return unicode)
Yvo Schubbe
- [Checkins] SVN: GenericSetup/trunk/utils.py - fixed default
_encoding (by default PropertyManagers use ZPublisher's
Yvo Schubbe
- [Checkins] SVN: gocept.zope3instance/branches/ - adding branch dir
Christian Theune
- [Checkins] SVN: gocept.zope3instance/branches/1.0/ - branching
stable branch for 1.0
Christian Theune
- [Checkins] SVN: gocept.zope3instance/trunk/ - updated to support
Christian Theune
- [Checkins] SVN: grok/trunk/ - added application object
Christian Theune
- [Checkins] SVN: grok/trunk/doc/design/adapters.py update another
design doc
Philipp von Weitershausen
- [Checkins] SVN: grok/trunk/doc/design/grok_ Add big warnings signs
to design docs so that noobs don't mistake them
Philipp von Weitershausen
- [Checkins] SVN: grok/trunk/doc/design/views.py update the design
docs according to reality so that it won't confuse
Philipp von Weitershausen
- [Checkins] SVN: grok/trunk/doc/tutorial.txt A few small tweaks
thanks to feedback from Tim Terleg?\195?\165rd.
Martijn Faassen
- [Checkins] SVN: grok/trunk/doc/tutorial.txt Extend the tutorial a
Martijn Faassen
- [Checkins] SVN: grok/trunk/doc/tutorial.txt More text written.
Martijn Faassen
- [Checkins] SVN: grok/trunk/doc/tutorial.txt Significantly expand
the tutorial.
Martijn Faassen
- [Checkins] SVN: grok/trunk/doc/tutorial.txt Significantly expanded
tutorial again.
Martijn Faassen
- [Checkins] SVN: grok/trunk/doc/tutorial.txt Some more tutorial
Martijn Faassen
- [Checkins] SVN: grok/trunk/doc/tutorial.txt Turn section into a
Martijn Faassen
- [Checkins] SVN: grok/trunk/doc/tutorial.txt Updated version of the
tutorial. Still doesn't explain anything, but has
Martijn Faassen
- [Checkins] SVN: grok/trunk/grokwiki/src/grokwiki/configure.zcml
Bring back grokwiki/configure.zcml which only contains one
line (grok:grok)
Philipp von Weitershausen
- [Checkins] SVN: grok/trunk/grokwiki/src/grokwiki/page.py Fix
grokwiki after grok refactoring
Philipp von Weitershausen
- [Checkins] SVN: grok/trunk/grokwiki/src/grokwiki/wiki.py Fix up
wiki after grok.Application is not a container anymore.
Philipp von Weitershausen
- [Checkins] SVN: grok/trunk/src/grok/ Don't automatically grok
templates that occur w/o a corresponding view class.
Philipp von Weitershausen
- [Checkins] SVN: grok/trunk/src/grok/ Enable argument dispatching to
grok.View's update and render methods. That means
Philipp von Weitershausen
- [Checkins] SVN: grok/trunk/src/grok/ Fix
Philipp von Weitershausen
- [Checkins] SVN: grok/trunk/src/grok/ Fix
https://launchpad.net/grok/+bug/83952: Application objects are not
Philipp von Weitershausen
- [Checkins] SVN: grok/trunk/src/grok/ Fix
Philipp von Weitershausen
- [Checkins] SVN: grok/trunk/src/grok/ Grokkify grok.admin (the admin
Philipp von Weitershausen
- [Checkins] SVN: grok/trunk/src/grok/admin/README.txt reSTify
Philipp von Weitershausen
- [Checkins] SVN: grok/trunk/src/grok/grokker.py get rid of unused
and rather weirdly placed improt
Philipp von Weitershausen
- [Checkins] SVN: grok/trunk/src/grok/util.py Make isclass() check a
bit more tolerant. The metaclass of a class doesn't have
Philipp von Weitershausen
- [Checkins] SVN: Grokstar/trunk/ Introduce the use of hurry.workflow
to workflow the blog. Right now
Martijn Faassen
- [Checkins] SVN: Grokstar/trunk/src/grokstar/ 'addrest' is a
slightly odd name, so just call it 'add' until we actually
Martijn Faassen
- [Checkins] SVN: Grokstar/trunk/src/grokstar/ Move traverser out of
the calendar; we also want to traverse to blog entries
Martijn Faassen
- [Checkins] SVN: Grokstar/trunk/src/grokstar/ use workflow action
system to update published datetime so it will always
Martijn Faassen
- [Checkins] SVN: Grokstar/trunk/src/grokstar/entry.py Fix after grok
Philipp von Weitershausen
- [Checkins] SVN: lovely.flvplayer/trunk/src/lovely/flvplayer/
changes for better customization of the player. colors etc.
message ids for labels inside flash-flvplayer
Manfred Schwendinger
- [Checkins] SVN: lovely.rating/trunk/src/lovely/rating/ added
support for timestamp based stats
Bernd Dorn
- [Checkins] SVN: lovely.rating/trunk/src/lovely/rating/ compare
ratings explicitly
Bernd Dorn
- [Checkins] SVN: lovely.rating/trunk/src/lovely/rating/ set tzinfo
on ratings, do not create new rating if not modified,
return booleans on rate and remove indicating changes,
added evolve script that sets the timezone to utc on existing objects
Bernd Dorn
- [Checkins] SVN: lovely.rating/trunk/src/lovely/rating/rating.py fix
Bernd Dorn
- [Checkins] SVN: lovely.rating/trunk/src/lovely/rating/rating.py fix
the fix ; -)
Bernd Dorn
- [Checkins] SVN: lovely.tag/trunk/src/lovely/tag/ fix/change for
using IOSets instead of sets
Manfred Schwendinger
- [Checkins] SVN: lovely.viewcache/ Package base for the view cache
Jürgen Kartnaller
- [Checkins] SVN: lovely.viewcache/trunk/ Initial import of the view
cache package.
Jürgen Kartnaller
- [Checkins] SVN: lovely.viewcache/trunk/src/lovely/viewcache/
Provide a `cacheHit` method which is called if a cached
result is used.
Jürgen Kartnaller
- [Checkins] SVN: lovely.viewcache/trunk/src/lovely/viewcache/
removed hits and misses, because it is too slow
Bernd Dorn
- [Checkins] SVN: lovely.viewcache/trunk/src/lovely/viewcache/ Allow
to make a cache entry depend on the current principal.
Jürgen Kartnaller
- [Checkins] SVN: lovely.viewcache/trunk/src/lovely/viewcache/ Better
path for the object identification in the cache.
Jürgen Kartnaller
- [Checkins] SVN: lovely.viewcache/trunk/src/lovely/viewcache/ The
cached manager is not needed it duplicates what the viewlet cache is
Jürgen Kartnaller
- [Checkins] SVN: lovely.viewcache/trunk/src/lovely/viewcache/ram.py
Changed the log level to debug.
Jürgen Kartnaller
- [Checkins] SVN: lovely.viewcache/trunk/src/lovely/viewcache/view.py
Make it possible to overwrite cachingKey
Jürgen Kartnaller
- [Checkins] SVN: lovely.viewcache/trunk/src/lovely/viewcache/view.py
With z3c.traversal.viewlet package we can use absoluteURL on
a viewlet
Jürgen Kartnaller
- [Checkins] SVN: lovely.viewcache/trunk/src/lovely/viewcache/zodb.py
Use BTrees.Length for the hit counter to go around conflict errors.
Jürgen Kartnaller
- [Checkins] SVN: megrok.five/ Create project area for megrok.five
(grok integration into Zope 2).
Philipp von Weitershausen
- [Checkins] SVN: megrok.five/trunk/ buildoutify megrok.five.
Philipp von Weitershausen
- [Checkins] SVN: megrok.five/trunk/ Ignore buildout stuff and
egg-info crap
Philipp von Weitershausen
- [Checkins] SVN: megrok.five/trunk/ More project setup
Philipp von Weitershausen
- [Checkins] SVN: megrok.five/trunk/buildout.cfg don't forget to
build zope2
Philipp von Weitershausen
- [Checkins] SVN: megrok.five/trunk/buildout.cfg Use newer versions
of the zope 2 recipes.
Philipp von Weitershausen
- [Checkins] SVN: megrok.five/trunk/README.txt describe what
megrok.five is
Philipp von Weitershausen
- [Checkins] SVN: megrok.five/trunk/README.txt Fancy README
Philipp von Weitershausen
- [Checkins] SVN: megrok.five/trunk/README.txt Improve docs
Philipp von Weitershausen
- [Checkins] SVN: megrok.five/trunk/s First cut at bringing grok to
Philipp von Weitershausen
- [Checkins] SVN: megrok.five/trunk/setup.py improve setup.py
Philipp von Weitershausen
- [Checkins] SVN: megrok.five/trunk/src/megrok/five/ We don't need a
special Application object anymore (after grok.Application is
Philipp von Weitershausen
- [Checkins] SVN: megrok.five/trunk/src/megrok/five/component.py
grok.Container is BTree-based,
so make megrok.five.Container BTree-based as well.
Philipp von Weitershausen
- [Checkins] SVN: megrok.five/trunk/src/megrok/five/test Functional
test layer and a first functional test (doesn't work yet due to
Philipp von Weitershausen
- [Checkins] SVN: megrok.five/trunk/src/megrok/five/tests/ Unit test
for megrok.five.Container.
Philipp von Weitershausen
- [Checkins] SVN: megrok.five/trunk/TodoList/ Example app for
megrok.five. It (almost) works, only computing urls is a bit flaky.
Philipp von Weitershausen
- [Checkins] SVN: megrok.five/trunk/TodoList/src/todolist/app.py
Update example app after changes in megrok.five. In
particular, we now make use
Philipp von Weitershausen
- [Checkins] SVN: move the source for zope.inteface between the
Benji York
- [Checkins] SVN: PluggableAuthService/trunk/ - Add support for
registering plugin types via ZCML.
Tres Seaver
- [Checkins] SVN: Product renamed (typo)
Andreas Jung
- [Checkins] SVN: Product.ZSQLAlchemy/ added
Andreas Jung
- [Checkins] SVN: Product.ZSQLAlchemy/branches/ added
Andreas Jung
- [Checkins] SVN: Product.ZSQLAlchemy/tags/ added
Andreas Jung
- [Checkins] SVN: Product.ZSQLAlchemy/trunk/ added
Andreas Jung
- [Checkins] SVN: Product.ZSQLAlchemy/trunk/ doc update
Andreas Jung
- [Checkins] SVN: Product.ZSQLAlchemy/trunk/ import of boilerplate
Andreas Jung
- [Checkins] SVN: Product.ZSQLAlchemy/trunk/ proof-of-concept version
working :-)
Andreas Jung
- [Checkins] SVN: Product.ZSQLAlchemy/trunk/__init__.py import cleanup
Andreas Jung
- [Checkins] SVN: Product.ZSQLAlchemy/trunk/pt/add.pt header + footer
Andreas Jung
- [Checkins] SVN: Product.ZSQLAlchemy/trunk/README.txt
Andreas Jung
- [Checkins] SVN: Product.ZSQLAlchemy/trunk/ZSQLAlchemy.py -
encapsulated DB specific code
Andreas Jung
- [Checkins] SVN: Product.ZSQLAlchemy/trunk/ZSQLAlchemy.py added
Andreas Jung
- [Checkins] SVN: Product.ZSQLAlchemy/trunk/ZSQLAlchemy.py added some
basic functionality in order to experiment a bit
Andreas Jung
- [Checkins] SVN: Product.ZSQLAlchemy/trunk/ZSQLAlchemy.py caching
the engine
Andreas Jung
- [Checkins] SVN: Product.ZSQLAlchemy/trunk/ZSQLAlchemy.py port
Andreas Jung
- [Checkins] SVN: Product.ZSQLAlchemy/trunk/ZSQLAlchemy.py removed
unused code
Andreas Jung
- [Checkins] SVN: Products.ZopeVersionControl/ Import
ZopeVersionControl CVS HEAD
Wichert Akkerman
- [Checkins] SVN: Products.ZopeVersionControl/ New directory for
ZopeVersionControl import
Wichert Akkerman
- [Checkins] SVN: Products.ZopeVersionControl/PREVIOUS_HISTORY.txt
Note location of prior revisions.
Tres Seaver
- [Checkins] SVN: Products.ZopeVersionControl/tags/0.3.4/ Import new
quasi-release, 0.3.4.
Tres Seaver
- [Checkins] SVN: Products.ZopeVersionControl/trunk/ - Copy from
imported tag.
Tres Seaver
- [Checkins] SVN: Products.ZopeVersionControl/trunk/ - Remove to copy
from imported tag.
Tres Seaver
- [Checkins] SVN: Products.ZopeVersionControl/trunk/ Cleanup some
import artifacts
Wichert Akkerman
- [Checkins] SVN: Products.ZopeVersionControl/trunk/ Restore the svn
properties after the re-import of the 0.3.4 quasi-release
Wichert Akkerman
- [Checkins] SVN: Products.ZopeVersionControl/trunk/ Set eol-style
for all non-binary files
Wichert Akkerman
- [Checkins] SVN: Products.ZSQLAlchemy/tags/0.1/ v 0.1
Andreas Jung
- [Checkins] SVN: Products.ZSQLAlchemy/trunk/Makefile added
Andreas Jung
- [Checkins] SVN: Products.ZSQLAlchemy/trunk/pt/add.pt
Andreas Jung
- [Checkins] SVN: Products.ZSQLAlchemy/trunk/pt/xx removed
Andreas Jung
- [Checkins] SVN: Products.ZSQLAlchemy/trunk/README.txt updated
Andreas Jung
- [Checkins] SVN: Products.ZSQLAlchemy/trunk/ZSQLAlchemy.py added
createMapper() (however this should be revisited)
Andreas Jung
- [Checkins] SVN: Products.ZSQLAlchemy/trunk/ZSQLAlchemy.py some more
Andreas Jung
- [Checkins] SVN: Products.ZSQLAlchemy/trunk/ZSQLAlchemy.py using
@property decorator for cache handling
Andreas Jung
- [Checkins] SVN: s5-themes/ Project setup for S5 themes.
Stephan Richter
- [Checkins] SVN: s5-themes/trunk/ This is my attempt to develop a
Zope presentation theme for S5. It is
Stephan Richter
- [Checkins] SVN: Sandbox/J1m/app/ exterimental ope 3 app buoldout
Jim Fulton
- [Checkins] SVN: The files below were removed because they are no
longer needed for
Alexander Heavner
- [Checkins] SVN: z3c.batching/trunk/src/z3c/batching/ Correctly
handle empty lists.
Stephan Richter
- [Checkins] SVN: z3c.configurator/trunk/src/z3c/configurator/ Raise
the correct exception if call is not implemented
Jürgen Kartnaller
- [Checkins] SVN: z3c.datagenerator/ New project.
Stephan Richter
- [Checkins] SVN: z3c.datagenerator/trunk/src/z3c/datagenerator/ New
package to provide easy APIs to generate data for testing.
Stephan Richter
- [Checkins] SVN: z3c.etestbrowser/trunk/setup.py - fixed url to
unbreak easy_install
Christian Theune
- [Checkins] SVN: z3c.imagewidget/trunk/src/z3c/imagewidget/ use key
method from widget
Bernd Dorn
- [Checkins] SVN: z3c.javascript/trunk/src/z3c/javascript/json/ added
json resource library
Manfred Schwendinger
- [Checkins] SVN: z3c.javascript/trunk/src/z3c/javascript/prototype/
updated prototype to 1.5.0 stable
Oliver Petznick
- [Checkins] SVN: z3c.multiform/Sandbox/src/z3c/multiform/ Test of
form_reset in update. This allow to call setUpWidgets()
outside before update().
Stefan Martin
- [Checkins] SVN: z3c.quickentry/ Create a new project.
Stephan Richter
- [Checkins] SVN: z3c.quickentry/ Eek, wrong repos layout.
Stephan Richter
- [Checkins] SVN: z3c.quickentry/ Move package to correct location.
Stephan Richter
- [Checkins] SVN: z3c.quickentry/trunk/ More boilerplate.
Stephan Richter
- [Checkins] SVN: z3c.quickentry/trunk/ The quick entry processor
allows a user to efficiently specify multiple
Stephan Richter
- [Checkins] SVN: z3c.quickentry/trunk/src/z3c/quickentry/
Implemented better error handling and reporting,
so that user interfaces
Stephan Richter
- [Checkins] SVN: z3c.reference/ initial reference product import
Oliver Petznick
- [Checkins] SVN: z3c.resource/ Added new top level folder for
Roger Ineichen
- [Checkins] SVN: z3c.resource/ Implemented local resource including
a local ++resource++ namespace
Roger Ineichen
- [Checkins] SVN: z3c.searchfilter/ New project that allows building
effiecient filter/search screens. The
Stephan Richter
- [Checkins] SVN: z3c.searchfilter/trunk/src/z3c/searchfilter/ Here
is the code. No tests yet, since I refactored this code from a
Stephan Richter
- [Checkins] SVN: z3c.traverser/trunk/setup.py install requires
setuptools since it defines a namespace_package.
Christian Zagrodnick
- [Checkins] SVN: z3c.traverser/trunk/src/
ignoring z3c.traverser.egg-info
Benji York
- [Checkins] SVN: z3c.traverser/trunk/src/
ignoring z3c.traverser.egg-info
Christian Zagrodnick
- [Checkins] SVN: z3c.traverser/trunk/src/ ignoring
Christian Zagrodnick
- [Checkins] SVN: z3c.traverser/trunk/src/ removing egg-info ignore.
Use subversion/config to ignore *.egg-info.
Christian Zagrodnick
- [Checkins] SVN: z3c.traverser/trunk/src/z3c/traverser/viewlet/
added viewlet traversing
Bernd Dorn
- [Checkins] SVN: z3c.widget/trunk/src/z3c/widget/dropdowndatewidget/
initial version of a dropdown date widget
Oliver Petznick
- [Checkins] SVN: z3c.zalchemy/branches/buildoutify/ - added pysqlite
as dependency for the tests
Christian Theune
- [Checkins] SVN: z3c.zalchemy/branches/buildoutify/ buildout and
setup.py now pull in all dependencies.
Michael Bernstein
- [Checkins] SVN: z3c.zalchemy/branches/buildoutify/ create
buildoutify branch
Michael Bernstein
- [Checkins] SVN: z3c.zalchemy/branches/buildoutify/b Added required
buildout files.
Michael Bernstein
- [Checkins] SVN: z3c.zalchemy/branches/buildoutify/setup.py -
clarified author name
Christian Theune
- [Checkins] SVN: z3c.zalchemy/branches/buildoutify/setup.py -
whitespace/minor typo
Christian Theune
- [Checkins] SVN: z3c.zalchemy/branches/buildoutify/setup.py - fixed
some whitespace
Christian Theune
- [Checkins] SVN: z3c.zalchemy/branches/buildoutify/setup.py removed
duplicate test dependency on zope.component.
Michael Bernstein
- [Checkins] SVN: z3c.zalchemy/trunk/ - merged buildout branch
Christian Theune
- [Checkins] SVN: z3c.zalchemy/trunk/setup.py - added author's email
Christian Theune
- [Checkins] SVN: z3c.zalchemy/trunk/src/z3c/zalchemy/ - Provide an
edit form for the AlchemyEngineUtility.
Stefan H. Holek
- [Checkins] SVN: zc.authorizedotnet/trunk/setup.py Updated version
to reflect publication of egg
Alexander Heavner
- [Checkins] SVN: zc.buildout/trunk/ Feature Changes
Jim Fulton
- [Checkins] SVN: zc.buildout/trunk/CHANGES.txt Added release date.
Jim Fulton
- [Checkins] SVN: zc.buildout/trunk/src/zc/buildout/ Added newest
keyword parameter to the install and build functions to
Jim Fulton
- [Checkins] SVN: zc.buildout/trunk/src/zc/buildout/easy_install.py
Fix for bug #84866; correct reference to the executable.
Nathan Yergler
- [Checkins] SVN: zc.buildout/trunk/src/zc/buildout/testing.py - typo
Christian Theune
- [Checkins] SVN: zc.buildout/trunk/src/zc/buildout/testing.py Added
flush/fsync to the write method to try to avoid
Jim Fulton
- [Checkins] SVN: zc.buildout/trunk/src/zc/buildout/tests.py Fixed a
broken test.
Jim Fulton
- [Checkins] SVN: zc.buildout/trunk/zc.recipe.egg_/ Added support for
the buildout newest option.
Jim Fulton
- [Checkins] SVN: zc.buildout/trunk/zc.recipe.egg_/CHANGES.txt Added
missing release date.
Jim Fulton
- [Checkins] SVN: zc.catalog/branches/1.1/ make a 1.1 branch
Gary Poster
- [Checkins] SVN: zc.catalog/trunk/setup.py Updated the version
number in setup.py so that the most recent egg will
Alexander Heavner
- [Checkins] SVN: zc.catalog/trunk/setup.py Updated version to
refelect publication of egg
Alexander Heavner
- [Checkins] SVN: zc.catalog/trunk/src/zc/catalog/ Converted
zc.catalog to 64-bit BTrees.
Albertas Agejevas
- [Checkins] SVN: zc.catalog/trunk/src/zc/catalog/ Encapsulated the
BTree components and merge functions of a particular
Albertas Agejevas
- [Checkins] SVN: zc.catalog/trunk/src/zc/catalog/ Persist the flavor
of BTrees we use during instantiation, so that
Albertas Agejevas
- [Checkins] SVN: zc.catalog/trunk/src/zc/catalog/ Removed BTreeAPI,
taking advantage of the equivalent things implemented in
Albertas Agejevas
- [Checkins] SVN: zc.catalog/trunk/src/zc/catalog/ Separated a simple
extent from a filter extent.
Albertas Agejevas
- [Checkins] SVN: zc.comment/trunk/src/zc/comment/ntests.py remove
legacy test dependency on zc.testlayer
Gary Poster
- [Checkins] SVN: zc.comment/trunk/src/zc/comment/test.zcml make
ftests work and remove deprecation warnings
Gary Poster
- [Checkins] SVN: zc.datetimewidget/trunk/setup.py Updated version to
reflect publication of egg
Alexander Heavner
- [Checkins] SVN: zc.displayname/trunk/setup.py Updated the version
to reflect the publication of the egg
Alexander Heavner
- [Checkins] SVN: zc.extrinsicreference/trunk/setup.py Added the
setup.py file in order to 'eggify' the package
Alexander Heavner
- [Checkins] SVN: zc.form/trunk/setup.py Added a setup.py so that the
package can be 'eggified'
Alexander Heavner
- [Checkins] SVN: zc.form/trunk/setup.py it is *install_requires*
Christian Zagrodnick
- [Checkins] SVN: zc.i18n/trunk/setup.py Updated version to reflect
publication of egg
Alexander Heavner
- [Checkins] SVN: zc.index/trunk/s Added the setup.py file in order
to 'eggify' the package
Alexander Heavner
- [Checkins] SVN: zc.listcontainer/trunk/s Added the setup.py file in
order to 'eggify' the package
Alexander Heavner
- [Checkins] SVN: zc.ngi/trunk/ Updated release info.
Jim Fulton
- [Checkins] SVN: zc.ngi/trunk/async_txt.py Removed unused file.
Jim Fulton
- [Checkins] SVN: zc.notification/trunk/s Added the setup.py file in
order to 'eggify' the package
Alexander Heavner
- [Checkins] SVN: zc.objectlog/trunk/s Added the setup.py file in
order to 'eggify' the package
Alexander Heavner
- [Checkins] SVN: zc.preview/trunk/s Added the setup.py file in order
to 'eggify' the package
Alexander Heavner
- [Checkins] SVN: zc.preview/trunk/src/zc/preview/test.zcml make
ftests work and remove deprecation warnings
Gary Poster
- [Checkins] SVN: zc.rebootstrap/ recipe for re-bootstrapping
buildouts for packaging
Fred L. Drake, Jr.
- [Checkins] SVN: zc.rebootstrap/trunk/ add in implementation I
managed not to commit earlier;
Fred L. Drake, Jr.
- [Checkins] SVN: zc.recipe.deployment/trunk/ Added a configuration
recipe for generating configuration files.
Jim Fulton
- [Checkins] SVN: zc.recipe.deployment/trunk/ Converted to a buildout.
Jim Fulton
- [Checkins] SVN: zc.recipe.deployment/trunk/ Updated release info.
Jim Fulton
- [Checkins] SVN: zc.recipe.deployment/trunk/README.txt *** empty log
message ***
Jim Fulton
- [Checkins] SVN: zc.recipe.deployment/trunk/README.txt Fixed version
number in readme.
Jim Fulton
- [Checkins] SVN: zc.recipe.deployment/trunk/setup.py add missing
Fred L. Drake, Jr.
- [Checkins] SVN: zc.recipe.deployment/trunk/setup.py Added missing
import. Bad me.
Jim Fulton
- [Checkins] SVN: zc.recipe.deployment/trunk/setup.py remove
duplicate import
Fred L. Drake, Jr.
- [Checkins] SVN: zc.recipe.testrunner/tags/1.0.0b6/ tagged release
Thomas Lotze
- [Checkins] SVN: zc.recipe.testrunner/trunk/ added a changelog entry
for the changed working directory behaviour and fixed a typo
Thomas Lotze
- [Checkins] SVN: zc.recipe.testrunner/trunk/setup.py bump version to
Thomas Lotze
- [Checkins] SVN: zc.recipe.zope3checkout/trunk/ Added support for
the buildout newest mode (-N option) to avoid
Jim Fulton
- [Checkins] SVN: zc.relationship/branches/1.0/ The 1.0 line is
compatible with Zope 3.3; the trunk will support 3.4
Gary Poster
- [Checkins] SVN: zc.relationship/tags/1.1a/ tag for release
Gary Poster
- [Checkins] SVN: zc.relationship/trunk/ Adjust more to new BTrees
changes; document changes
Gary Poster
- [Checkins] SVN: zc.relationship/trunk/CHANGES.txt change notes
(should have been in tag)
Gary Poster
- [Checkins] SVN: zc.relationship/trunk/src/zc/relationship/
temporarily revert revision 72392 to make a Zope
3.3-compatible branch
Gary Poster
- [Checkins] SVN: zc.relationship/trunk/src/zc/relationship/ Because
of the recent changes in the BTRees package the index module
needs to
Jürgen Kartnaller
- [Checkins] SVN: zc.relationship/trunk/src/zc/relationship/ recommit
J?\195?\188rgen Kartnaller's changes,
after 1.0 branch has been made.
Gary Poster
- [Checkins] SVN: zc.resourcelibrary/trunk/setup.py Updated the
setup.py file to use include_package_data
Alexander Heavner
- [Checkins] SVN: zc.resourcelibrary/trunk/setup.py Updated version
number to reflect publication of egg
Alexander Heavner
- [Checkins] SVN: zc.security/trunk/setup.py Updated the version
number to reflect the publication of the egg
Alexander Heavner
- [Checkins] SVN: zc.selenium/trunk/setup.py added setup.py for
buildout use
Christian Zagrodnick
- [Checkins] SVN: zc.selenium/trunk/setup.py Updated version number
to reflect publication of egg
Alexander Heavner
- [Checkins] SVN: zc.selenium/trunk/setup.py we need setuptools
Christian Zagrodnick
- [Checkins] SVN: zc.selenium/trunk/src/ ignoring egg-info
Christian Zagrodnick
- [Checkins] SVN: zc.selenium/trunk/src/zc/selenium/selenium.py
In-package selenium test runner.
Jim Fulton
- [Checkins] SVN: zc.selenium/trunk/src/zc/selenium/selenium.py Fixed
comment-wrapping typo.
Jim Fulton
- [Checkins] SVN: zc.sharing/trunk/setup.py Updated the version
number to reflect publication of the egg
Alexander Heavner
- [Checkins] SVN: zc.site/trunk/s Added the setup.py file in order to
'eggify' the package.
Alexander Heavner
- [Checkins] SVN: zc.sshtunnel/ create project for SSH tunnel recipe
Fred L. Drake, Jr.
- [Checkins] SVN: zc.sshtunnel/tags/1.0/ release 1.0
Fred L. Drake, Jr.
- [Checkins] SVN: zc.sshtunnel/tags/1.1/ release 1.1
Fred L. Drake, Jr.
- [Checkins] SVN: zc.sshtunnel/trunk/ - fill in more distutils
Fred L. Drake, Jr.
- [Checkins] SVN: zc.sshtunnel/trunk/ basic recipe to manage an SSH
tunnel in a development buildout
Fred L. Drake, Jr.
- [Checkins] SVN: zc.sshtunnel/trunk/setup.py fill in more distutils
Fred L. Drake, Jr.
- [Checkins] SVN: zc.sshtunnel/trunk/setup.py fix typo
Fred L. Drake, Jr.
- [Checkins] SVN: zc.sshtunnel/trunk/setup.py more distutils metadata
filled in (--sigh--)
Fred L. Drake, Jr.
- [Checkins] SVN: zc.sshtunnel/trunk/setup.py try to fix up the
distutils metadata
Fred L. Drake, Jr.
- [Checkins] SVN: zc.sshtunnel/trunk/src/zc/sshtunnel/recipe.py add a
do-nothing update method
Fred L. Drake, Jr.
- [Checkins] SVN: zc.sshtunnel/trunk/src/zc/sshtunnel/recipe.py clean
up the pid file when the opportunity presents itself
Fred L. Drake, Jr.
- [Checkins] SVN: zc.table/trunk/setup.py Updated version number to
reflect publication of the egg
Alexander Heavner
- [Checkins] SVN: zc.tokenpolicy/trunk/s Added the setup.py file in
order to 'eggify' the package
Alexander Heavner
- [Checkins] SVN: zc.winauth/trunk/s Added the setup.py file in order
to 'eggify' the package
Alexander Heavner
- [Checkins] SVN: zc.zope3recipes/dev/ Added an extends option to the
instance recipe to allow an instance to
Jim Fulton
- [Checkins] SVN: zc.zope3recipes/tags/0.2/ tag
Jim Fulton
- [Checkins] SVN: zc.zope3recipes/trunk/ done with initial development
Jim Fulton
- [Checkins] SVN: zc.zope3recipes/trunk/ Updated release info.
Jim Fulton
- [Checkins] SVN: zc.zrpc/ New zrpc implementation on zc.ngi
Jim Fulton
- [Checkins] SVN: ZODB/branches/3.7/ add new 64-bit btree types
(patch from Jim), merged from trunk
Fred L. Drake, Jr.
- [Checkins] SVN: ZODB/branches/3.7/ Added logic to avoid spurious
errors from the logging system on exit.
Jim Fulton
- [Checkins] SVN: ZODB/branches/3.7/ revert revision 72313:
Gary Poster
- [Checkins] SVN: ZODB/branches/3.7/ Updated release info.
Jim Fulton
- [Checkins] SVN: ZODB/branches/3.7/HISTORY.txt add explanatory note
in HISTORY about release status
Gary Poster
- [Checkins] SVN: ZODB/branches/3.7/setup.py - new beta for packaging
Christian Theune
- [Checkins] SVN: ZODB/branches/3.7/setup.py Uodated release info.
Jim Fulton
- [Checkins] SVN: ZODB/branches/3.7/src/ZEO/scripts/__init__.py Added
missing __init__.py.
Jim Fulton
- [Checkins] SVN: ZODB/branches/3.7/src/ZODB/tests/sampledm.py -fix
Christian Theune
- [Checkins] SVN: ZODB/trunk/ - extended ignores
Christian Theune
- [Checkins] SVN: ZODB/trunk/ - Normalize names in modules so that
BTrees, Buckets, Sets, and TreeSets can
Gary Poster
- [Checkins] SVN: ZODB/trunk/ Added logic to avoid spurious errors
from the logging system on exit.
Jim Fulton
- [Checkins] SVN: ZODB/trunk/s add missing file and fix setup.py so
the error would have been caught when I ran the tests before
the previous checkin
Gary Poster
- [Checkins] SVN: ZODB/trunk/setup.py Added missing packages and
Jim Fulton
- [Checkins] SVN: ZODB/trunk/setup.py Updated in preparation for dev
Jim Fulton
- [Checkins] SVN: ZODB/trunk/src/BTrees/SETUP.cfg Added extension
declarations for the new 64-bit BTrees.
Albertas Agejevas
- [Checkins] SVN: ZODB/trunk/src/ZEO/scripts/__init__.py Added
missing __init__.py.
Jim Fulton
- [Checkins] SVN: zodbcode/ Creating directory structure for zodbcode.
Alexander Heavner
- [Checkins] SVN: zodbcode/trunk/b Buildoutification of zodbcode
Michael Bernstein
- [Checkins] SVN: zodbcode/trunk/s Initial commit of zodbcode for
Alexander Heavner
- [Checkins] SVN: zope.annotation/trunk/ Buildoutification of
added setuptools as a dependency. Changed dependency on
zope.app.container to zope.app.
Michael Bernstein
- [Checkins] SVN: zope.annotation/trunk/ Updated version number in
setup.py to reflect publication of the egg.
Alexander Heavner
- [Checkins] SVN: zope.annotation/trunk/setup.py added note to
setup.py to indicate what the dependency should be changed
back to later.
Michael Bernstein
- [Checkins] SVN: zope.annotation/trunk/setup.py Altered the way
setup.py finds packages
Alexander Heavner
- [Checkins] SVN: zope.annotation/trunk/setup.py Commented out
Alexander Heavner
- [Checkins] SVN: zope.annotation/trunk/setup.py Uncommented the list
of dependencies.
Alexander Heavner
- [Checkins] SVN: zope.annotation/trunk/setup.py Updated a import
statement inside of setup.py
Alexander Heavner
- [Checkins] SVN: zope.app.component/ Creating the directory
structure for zope.app.component.
Alexander Heavner
- [Checkins] SVN: zope.app.component/trunk/s Initial commit of
zope.app.component for eggificiation.
Alexander Heavner
- [Checkins] SVN: zope.app.container/trunk/ Changed the version
number in setup.py and used find_packages.
Alexander Heavner
- [Checkins] SVN: zope.app.form/ Making directory for zope.app.form
so that it can be 'eggified' seperately.
Alexander Heavner
- [Checkins] SVN: zope.app.form/branches/ Making a branches directory
for zope.app.form.
Alexander Heavner
- [Checkins] SVN: zope.app.form/tags/ Making a tags directory for
Alexander Heavner
- [Checkins] SVN: zope.app.form/trunk/ Making a trunk directory for
Alexander Heavner
- [Checkins] SVN: zope.app.form/trunk/s Initial commit for
zope.app.form for eggification.
Alexander Heavner
- [Checkins] SVN: zope.app.form/trunk/src/zope/app/ Corrected a
mistake I made in the external in zope.app.form/src/zope/app.
Alexander Heavner
- [Checkins] SVN: zope.app.form/trunk/src/zope/app/__init__.py Made
zope.app a namespace package.
Alexander Heavner
- [Checkins] SVN: zope.app.fssync/ Creating the directory structure
for zope.app.fssync.
Alexander Heavner
- [Checkins] SVN: zope.app.fssync/trunk/s Initial commit of
zope.app.fssync for eggification
Alexander Heavner
- [Checkins] SVN: zope.app.interpreter/ Creating the directory
structure for zope.app.interpreter.
Alexander Heavner
- [Checkins] SVN: zope.app.interpreter/trunk/s Initial commit of
zope.app.interpreter for eggification.
Alexander Heavner
- [Checkins] SVN: zope.app.pagetemplate/ Creating directory structure
for zope.app.pagetemplate
Alexander Heavner
- [Checkins] SVN: zope.app.pagetemplate/trunk/s Initial commit for
zope.app.pagetemplate for eggification.
Alexander Heavner
- [Checkins] SVN: zope.app.publisher/ Creating directory structure
for zope.app.publisher.
Alexander Heavner
- [Checkins] SVN: zope.app.publisher/trunk/s Initial commit of
zope.app.publisher for eggification.
Alexander Heavner
- [Checkins] SVN: zope.app.traversing/ Creating directory structure
for zope.app.traversing.
Alexander Heavner
- [Checkins] SVN: zope.app.traversing/trunk/s Initial commit of
zope.app.traversing for eggification.
Alexander Heavner
- [Checkins] SVN: zope.app/trunk/ Updated the externals to only
include packages that are part of the
Alexander Heavner
- [Checkins] SVN: zope.app/trunk/setup.py - added dependency for
structured text
Christian Theune
- [Checkins] SVN: zope.app/trunk/setup.py - adding a dependency to
our experimental twisted egg. this is going to be
Christian Theune
- [Checkins] SVN: zope.app/trunk/setup.py - adding dependency for
Christian Theune
- [Checkins] SVN: zope.app/trunk/setup.py - including zope.rdb
Christian Theune
- [Checkins] SVN: zope.app/trunk/setup.py - remove twisted dependency
Christian Theune
- [Checkins] SVN: zope.app/trunk/src/zope/app/ - added twisted
Christian Theune
- [Checkins] SVN: zope.app/trunk/src/zope/app/ Added zcmlfiles
as an external in src/zope/app. I previously thought that it
Baiju M
- [Checkins] SVN: zope.app/trunk/src/zope/app/ Added zcmlfiles as an
external in src/zope/app. I previously thought that it
Alexander Heavner
- [Checkins] SVN: zope.app/trunk/src/zope/app/ Removed ftests from
the externals in src/zope/app because zope.app.ftests was
Alexander Heavner
- [Checkins] SVN: zope.app/trunk/src/zope/app/ Removed zope.twisted
from the externals because it is not supposed to be part
Alexander Heavner
- [Checkins] SVN: zope.bforest/trunk/setup.py Updated the version
number to reflect the publication of the egg
Alexander Heavner
- [Checkins] SVN: zope.cachedescriptors/trunk/ Buildoutification of
zope.cachedescriptors, and added dependency on setuptools.
Michael Bernstein
- [Checkins] SVN: zope.cachedescriptors/trunk/ The files below were
removed because they are no longer needed for
Alexander Heavner
- [Checkins] SVN: zope.component/trunk/ Altered setup.py in order to
import and then use find_packages.
Alexander Heavner
- [Checkins] SVN: zope.component/trunk/ Merged readme and changes to
make packaging easier.
Jim Fulton
- [Checkins] SVN: zope.component/trunk/ Updated release info.
Jim Fulton
- [Checkins] SVN: zope.component/trunk/b Buildoutification of
Michael Bernstein
- [Checkins] SVN: zope.component/trunk/CHANGES.txt Recreated
CHANGES.txt that I had previously deleted.
Alexander Heavner
- [Checkins] SVN: zope.component/trunk/README.txt Recreated
README.txt and removed non-essential information.
Alexander Heavner
- [Checkins] SVN: zope.component/trunk/setup.py Rearranged
dependencies using extras.
Jim Fulton
- [Checkins] SVN: zope.component/trunk/setup.py Updated release info.
Jim Fulton
- [Checkins] SVN: zope.component/trunk/setup.py Updated release info.
Jim Fulton
- [Checkins] SVN: zope.configuration/trunk/ Altered the setup.py file
to import and then use find_packages.
Alexander Heavner
- [Checkins] SVN: zope.configuration/trunk/ initial buildoutification
of zope.configuration
Benji York
- [Checkins] SVN: zope.configuration/trunk/README.txt Recreated
README.txt removing non-essential information.
Alexander Heavner
- [Checkins] SVN: zope.configuration/trunk/setup.py - fixing release
Christian Theune
- [Checkins] SVN: zope.contentprovider/trunk/ Altered the setup.py
file to import and use find_packages.
Alexander Heavner
- [Checkins] SVN: zope.contentprovider/trunk/README.txt Recreated
README.txt removing non-essential information.
Alexander Heavner
- [Checkins] SVN: zope.contenttype/trunk/ Alterted the setup.py file
to import find_packages and use it.
Alexander Heavner
- [Checkins] SVN: zope.contenttype/trunk/README.txt Recreated
README.txt removing non-essential information.
Alexander Heavner
- [Checkins] SVN: zope.copypastemove/trunk/ The files that have been
removed are no longer needed since the egg has been
Alexander Heavner
- [Checkins] SVN: zope.copypastemove/trunk/README.txt Recreated
README.txt removing non-essential information.
Alexander Heavner
- [Checkins] SVN: zope.copypastemove/trunk/setup.py - fix dependency
to zope.app
Christian Theune
- [Checkins] SVN: zope.copypastemove/trunk/setup.py Corrected package
name again
Alexander Heavner
- [Checkins] SVN: zope.copypastemove/trunk/setup.py Corrected the
package name that I misspelled.
Alexander Heavner
- [Checkins] SVN: zope.datetime/trunk/ Altered the setup.py file to
import and then use find_package.
Alexander Heavner
- [Checkins] SVN: zope.datetime/trunk/README.txt Recreated README.txt
removing non-essential information
Alexander Heavner
- [Checkins] SVN: zope.decorator/ Created a directory to hold
Alexander Heavner
- [Checkins] SVN: zope.decorator/trunk/ Creating a trunk directory
for zope.decorator
Alexander Heavner
- [Checkins] SVN: zope.decorator/trunk/s Added __init__.py to make
zope a namespace package.
Alexander Heavner
- [Checkins] SVN: zope.decorator/trunk/setup.py Corrected the package
Alexander Heavner
- [Checkins] SVN: zope.deferredimport/tags/1.0.0/
Jim Fulton
- [Checkins] SVN: zope.deferredimport/tags/1.0.0/
Jim Fulton
- [Checkins] SVN: zope.deferredimport/tags/1.0/
Jim Fulton
- [Checkins] SVN: zope.deferredimport/trunk/ Altered the setup.py
file to import find_packages and to then use it.
Alexander Heavner
- [Checkins] SVN: zope.deferredimport/trunk/ Recreated README.txt
removing non-essential information.
Alexander Heavner
- [Checkins] SVN: zope.deferredimport/trunk/ Update svn properties.
Baiju M
- [Checkins] SVN: zope.deferredimport/trunk/ Updated release info.
Jim Fulton
- [Checkins] SVN: zope.deferredimport/trunk/buildout.cfg Converted to
a buildout.
Jim Fulton
- [Checkins] SVN: zope.deferredimport/trunk/src/zope/ Fixed revision
for release.
Jim Fulton
- [Checkins] SVN: zope.deprecation/tags/3.3.0/
Jim Fulton
- [Checkins] SVN: zope.deprecation/trunk/
Jim Fulton
- [Checkins] SVN: zope.deprecation/trunk/ - svn properties updated.
Baiju M
- [Checkins] SVN: zope.deprecation/trunk/ - svn properties updated.
Benji York
- [Checkins] SVN: zope.deprecation/trunk/ Altered the setup.py file
to import find_packages and then use it.
Alexander Heavner
- [Checkins] SVN: zope.deprecation/trunk/ Recreated CHANGES.txt and
README.txt removing non-essential information.
Alexander Heavner
- [Checkins] SVN: zope.deprecation/trunk/setup.py added missing path
Jim Fulton
- [Checkins] SVN: zope.deprecation/trunk/setup.py Update release info.
Jim Fulton
- [Checkins] SVN: zope.documenttemplate/trunk/ Changed the version
number in setup.py as well as made it import find_packages
Alexander Heavner
- [Checkins] SVN: zope.documenttemplate/trunk/CHANGES.txt Recreated
CHANGES.txt removing non-essential information
Alexander Heavner
- [Checkins] SVN: zope.dottedname/ Adding a directory for the
zope.dottedname package
Alexander Heavner
- [Checkins] SVN: zope.dottedname/branches/ Adding a 'branches
directory to zope.dottedname
Alexander Heavner
- [Checkins] SVN: zope.dottedname/tags/ Adding a 'tags' directory to
Alexander Heavner
- [Checkins] SVN: zope.dottedname/trunk/ Adding a trunk directory
Alexander Heavner
- [Checkins] SVN: zope.dottedname/trunk/s Setup.py was added to
'eggify' the package.
Alexander Heavner
- [Checkins] SVN: zope.dublincore/ Adding a directory for
Alexander Heavner
- [Checkins] SVN: zope.dublincore/branches/ Adding a branches
directory to dublincore
Alexander Heavner
- [Checkins] SVN: zope.dublincore/tags/ Added a 'tags' directory to
Alexander Heavner
- [Checkins] SVN: zope.dublincore/trunk/ Adding a trunk to
Alexander Heavner
- [Checkins] SVN: zope.dublincore/trunk/s Added the setup.py file to
'eggify' dublincore
Alexander Heavner
- [Checkins] SVN: zope.event/tags/3.3.0/
Jim Fulton
- [Checkins] SVN: zope.event/tags/3.3.0/
Jim Fulton
- [Checkins] SVN: zope.event/tags/3.3.0/
Jim Fulton
- [Checkins] SVN: zope.event/trunk/ Altered setup.py to import and
use find_packages. The version number was also
Alexander Heavner
- [Checkins] SVN: zope.event/trunk/ Update svn properties.
Baiju M
- [Checkins] SVN: zope.event/trunk/ Updated release info.
Jim Fulton
- [Checkins] SVN: zope.event/trunk/bootstrap.py Every project
should have a bootstrap.py, I suppose
Fred Drake
- [Checkins] SVN: zope.event/trunk/bootstrap.py Every project
should have a bootstrap.py, I suppose
Gary Poster
- [Checkins] SVN: zope.event/trunk/bootstrap.py Every project should
have a bootstrap.py, I suppose
Jim Fulton
- [Checkins] SVN: zope.event/trunk/bootstrap.py Every project should
have a bootstrap.py, I suppose
Benji York
- [Checkins] SVN: zope.event/trunk/bootstrap.py Every project should
have a bootstrap.py, I suppose
Benji York
- [Checkins] SVN: zope.event/trunk/setup.py Updated release number to
reflect previous unofficial 3.2 releases.
Jim Fulton
- [Checkins] SVN: zope.event/trunk/src/zope/ fixed revision for
release tag
Jim Fulton
- [Checkins] SVN: zope.exceptions/trunk/ The version number in
setup.py was updated. find_packages was also imported and
Alexander Heavner
- [Checkins] SVN: zope.exceptions/trunk/CHANGES.txt Recreated
Alexander Heavner
- [Checkins] SVN: zope.exceptions/trunk/README.txt Recreated
README.txt removing everything except the overview.
Alexander Heavner
- [Checkins] SVN: zope.file/branches/ajung-blobs/ blob integration
Andreas Jung
- [Checkins] SVN: zope.file/branches/ajung-blobs/src/zope/file/
adapters no longer needed
Andreas Jung
- [Checkins] SVN: zope.file/branches/ajung-blobs/src/zope/file/
integrated blob support
Andreas Jung
- [Checkins] SVN: zope.file/branches/ajung-blobs/src/zope/file/
Andreas Jung
- [Checkins] SVN: zope.file/branches/ajung-blobs/src/zope/file/
Andreas Jung
- [Checkins] SVN: zope.file/branches/ajung-blobs/src/zope/file/
Andreas Jung
- [Checkins] SVN: zope.file/branches/file-no-blob-support/ Copy of
the original code by Fred Drake without blob support. The
trunk will be updated
Andreas Jung
- [Checkins] SVN: zope.file/trunk/s A setup.py file was added so that
the package can be 'eggified'
Alexander Heavner
- [Checkins] SVN: zope.file/trunk/src/zope/file/ merged
ajung-blobs branch providing a file implementation supporting
Andreas Jung
- [Checkins] SVN: zope.file/trunk/src/zope/file/ merged
ajung-blobs branch providing a file implementation supporting
Andreas Jung
- [Checkins] SVN: zope.file/trunk/src/zope/file/ merged
ajung-blobs branch providing a file implementation supporting
Andreas Jung
- [Checkins] SVN: zope.file/trunk/src/zope/file/ merged
ajung-blobs branch providing a file implementation supporting
Andreas Jung
- [Checkins] SVN: zope.file/trunk/src/zope/file/ merged ajung-blobs
branch providing a file implementation supporting
Andreas Jung
- [Checkins] SVN: zope.file/trunk/src/zope/file/ merged ajung-blobs
branch providing a file implementation supporting
Fred Drake
- [Checkins] SVN: zope.file/trunk/src/zope/file/ merged ajung-blobs
branch providing a file implementation supporting
Fred Drake
- [Checkins] SVN: zope.file/trunk/src/zope/file/ merged ajung-blobs
branch providing a file implementation supporting
Fred Drake
- [Checkins] SVN: zope.file/trunk/src/zope/file/ merged ajung-blobs
branch providing a file implementation supporting
Fred Drake
- [Checkins] SVN: zope.filerepresentation/trunk/ Updated the version
number in setup.py and imported find_packages then used it.
Alexander Heavner
- [Checkins] SVN: zope.filerepresentation/trunk/README.txt Recreated
README.txt removing everything except for the overview.
Alexander Heavner
- [Checkins] SVN: zope.formlib/trunk/ buildoutification of
Michael Bernstein
- [Checkins] SVN: zope.formlib/trunk/ The version number in setup.py
was updated and find_packages was imported and
Alexander Heavner
- [Checkins] SVN: zope.formlib/trunk/README.txt Recreated README.txt
removing everything except for the overview.
Alexander Heavner
- [Checkins] SVN: zope.formlib/trunk/setup.py - fix zope.app
Christian Theune
- [Checkins] SVN: zope.fssync/trunk/ Changed the version number in
setup.py and used find_packages to find
Alexander Heavner
- [Checkins] SVN: zope.hookable/trunk/ Changed the version number in
setup.py and imported find_packages and used it.
Alexander Heavner
- [Checkins] SVN: zope.hookable/trunk/README.txt Recreated README.txt
removing everything except for the overview.
Alexander Heavner
- [Checkins] SVN: zope.html/trunk/s The __init__.py file was added to
make 'zope' a namespace directory
Alexander Heavner
- [Checkins] SVN: zope.i18n/trunk/ Recreated CHANGES.txt
Alexander Heavner
- [Checkins] SVN: zope.i18n/trunk/ Updated version number in setup.py
ad imported find_packages and used it.
Alexander Heavner
- [Checkins] SVN: zope.i18nmessageid/trunk/ Changed the version
number in setup.py and imported find_packages and used it.
Alexander Heavner
- [Checkins] SVN: zope.i18nmessageid/trunk/ Recreated CHANGES.txt and
README.txt. Everything except for the overview was
Alexander Heavner
- [Checkins] SVN: zope.index/trunk/ Buildoutification of zope.index,
and added dependency on setuptools.
Michael Bernstein
- [Checkins] SVN: zope.index/trunk/ Updated the version number in
setup.py and imported find_packages and used it.
Alexander Heavner
- [Checkins] SVN: zope.index/trunk/README.txt Recreated README.txt
removing everything except for the overview.
Alexander Heavner
- [Checkins] SVN: zope.index/trunk/setup.py Removed persistent,
transaction and BTrees from the list of dependencies
Alexander Heavner
- [Checkins] SVN: zope.interface/branches/buildoutify/ branch to turn
project into a buildout and reverse the direction of the externals
Benji York
- [Checkins] SVN: zope.interface/branches/buildoutify/ zope.interface
is already as buildoutified as it's going to get for the time
Benji York
- [Checkins] SVN: zope.interface/tags/ tag release
Jim Fulton
- [Checkins] SVN: zope.interface/tags/3.3.0/
Jim Fulton
- [Checkins] SVN: zope.interface/trunk/ Update svn properties.
Baiju M
- [Checkins] SVN: zope.interface/trunk/ Updated release info to make release.
Jim Fulton
- [Checkins] SVN: zope.interface/trunk/setup.py Back to dev mode.
Jim Fulton
- [Checkins] SVN: zope.interface/trunk/setup.py Changed the version
number and imported find_packages and used it.
Alexander Heavner
- [Checkins] SVN: zope.interface/trunk/src/zope/ Update to fixed
recent version of trunk.
Jim Fulton
- [Checkins] SVN: zope.lifecycleevent/trunk/ Buildoutification of
added zope.app as a test dependency (as a proxy for
zope.app.container), and added setuptools as a dependency.
Michael Bernstein
- [Checkins] SVN: zope.lifecycleevent/trunk/ Updated the version
number in setup.py and imported find_packages and then used
Alexander Heavner
- [Checkins] SVN: zope.lifecycleevent/trunk/README.txt Recreated
README.txt removing everything except the overview
Alexander Heavner
- [Checkins] SVN: zope.location/trunk/ The version number in setup.py
was changed to reflect publication of the egg.
Alexander Heavner
- [Checkins] SVN: zope.location/trunk/b Buildoutification of
Michael Bernstein
- [Checkins] SVN: zope.location/trunk/README.txt Recreated README.txt
removing everything except for the overview.
Alexander Heavner
- [Checkins] SVN: zope.location/trunk/setup.py - fix dependency
declaration. zope.app is one large egg.
Christian Theune
- [Checkins] SVN: zope.location/trunk/setup.py Added setuptools as a
Michael Bernstein
- [Checkins] SVN: zope.location/trunk/src/zope/__init__.py The try,
except statement in __init__.py was chaged.
Alexander Heavner
- [Checkins] SVN: zope.locking/trunk/s The __init__.py file was added
to make 'zope' a namespace package
Alexander Heavner
- [Checkins] SVN: zope.mimetype/trunk/setup.py Updated version number
to reflect publication of the egg
Alexander Heavner
- [Checkins] SVN: zope.modulealias/ Creating a zope.modulealias
Alexander Heavner
- [Checkins] SVN: zope.modulealias/branches/ Creating a branches
directory for zope.modulealias
Alexander Heavner
- [Checkins] SVN: zope.modulealias/tags/ Creating a tags directory
for zope.modulealias
Alexander Heavner
- [Checkins] SVN: zope.modulealias/trunk/ Creating a trunk directory
in zope.modulealias
Alexander Heavner
- [Checkins] SVN: zope.modulealias/trunk/s Added a setup.py file so
that the package can be 'eggified'.
Alexander Heavner
- [Checkins] SVN: zope.pagetemplate/trunk/ Changed the version number
in setup.py and also made it import find_packages
Alexander Heavner
- [Checkins] SVN: zope.pagetemplate/trunk/b buildoutification of
Michael Bernstein
- [Checkins] SVN: zope.pagetemplate/trunk/CHANGES.txt Recreated
Alexander Heavner
- [Checkins] SVN: zope.pagetemplate/trunk/setup.py Added setuptools
Michael Bernstein
- [Checkins] SVN: zope.publisher/trunk/ Buildoutification of
zope.publisher, and added setuptools dependency.
Michael Bernstein
- [Checkins] SVN: zope.publisher/trunk/ Changed the version number in
setup.py and used find_packages to define
Alexander Heavner
- [Checkins] SVN: zope.publisher/trunk/README.txt Recreated the
README.txt file and removed everything except for overview.
Alexander Heavner
- [Checkins] SVN: zope.rdb/trunk/ The version number in setup.py was
altered. find_packages was also imported and
Alexander Heavner
- [Checkins] SVN: zope.rdb/trunk/README.txt Recreated README.txt and
removed everything except for overview.
Alexander Heavner
- [Checkins] SVN: zope.rdb/trunk/setup.py - fixing dependency to
Christian Theune
- [Checkins] SVN: zope.rdb/trunk/setup.py Removed persistent and
transaction as dependencies because they are no packaged
Alexander Heavner
- [Checkins] SVN: zope.schema/trunk/ Changed the version number in
setup.py. find_packages was also used instead of
Alexander Heavner
- [Checkins] SVN: zope.schema/trunk/ Recreated CHANGES.txt and
README.txt. Removed everything in README.txt
Alexander Heavner
- [Checkins] SVN: zope.security/trunk/ buildoutification of
zope.security, and added setuptools dependency.
Michael Bernstein
- [Checkins] SVN: zope.security/trunk/ Changed the version number in
setup.py. Changed the file to use find_packages
Alexander Heavner
- [Checkins] SVN: zope.security/trunk/ Recreated CHANGES.txt and
README.txt. Removed everything from README.txt
Alexander Heavner
- [Checkins] SVN: zope.security/trunk/setup.py - this depends on
Christian Theune
- [Checkins] SVN: zope.security/trunk/src/zope/__init__.py Changed
the try, catch statement
Alexander Heavner
- [Checkins] SVN: zope.sendmail/trunk/ Changed the version number in
setup.py. Changed the file to use find_packages.
Alexander Heavner
- [Checkins] SVN: zope.sendmail/trunk/README.txt Recreated README.txt
removing everything except for overview.
Alexander Heavner
- [Checkins] SVN: zope.sendmail/trunk/setup.py Removed transaction as
a dependency because it is not packaged separately. I
Alexander Heavner
- [Checkins] SVN: zope.sequencesort/ Creating a directory for
Alexander Heavner
- [Checkins] SVN: zope.sequencesort/branches/ Creating a branches
Alexander Heavner
- [Checkins] SVN: zope.sequencesort/tags/ Creating a tags directory
Alexander Heavner
- [Checkins] SVN: zope.sequencesort/trunk/ Making a trunk directory
Alexander Heavner
- [Checkins] SVN: zope.sequencesort/trunk/s Added a setup.py file to
'eggify' the package.
Alexander Heavner
- [Checkins] SVN: zope.server/trunk/ Buildoutify zope.server,
and add setuptools as a dependency.
Michael Bernstein
- [Checkins] SVN: zope.server/trunk/ Changed the version number in
setup.py. Used find_packages to find packages.
Alexander Heavner
- [Checkins] SVN: zope.server/trunk/README.txt Recreated README.txt
removing everything except for the overview
Alexander Heavner
- [Checkins] SVN: zope.size/trunk/ Changed the version number in
setup.py. Changed the file to use find_packages
Alexander Heavner
- [Checkins] SVN: zope.size/trunk/README.txt Recreated README.txt
removing everything except for the overview.
Alexander Heavner
- [Checkins] SVN: zope.structuredtext/trunk/ Changed version number
in setup.py. Used find_packages to find packages instead
Alexander Heavner
- [Checkins] SVN: zope.structuredtext/trunk/CHANGES.txt Recreated
Alexander Heavner
- [Checkins] SVN: zope.tal/trunk/ Buildoutification of zope.tal,
and added setuptools as a dependency.
Michael Bernstein
- [Checkins] SVN: zope.tal/trunk/ Changed the version number in
setup.py. Used find_packages instead of listing
Alexander Heavner
- [Checkins] SVN: zope.tal/trunk/README.txt Recreated README.txt
removing everything except for the overview.
Alexander Heavner
- [Checkins] SVN: zope.tales/trunk/ Buildoutification of zope.tales,
and addition of setuptools as a dependency.
Michael Bernstein
- [Checkins] SVN: zope.tales/trunk/ Changed the version number in
setup.py. Used find_packages to find packages
Alexander Heavner
- [Checkins] SVN: zope.tales/trunk/ Recreated CHANGES.txt and
README.txt. Everything except for the overview
Alexander Heavner
- [Checkins] SVN: zope.testbrowser/trunk/ Changed the version number
in setup.py. Used find_packages instead of listing
Alexander Heavner
- [Checkins] SVN: zope.testbrowser/trunk/README.txt Recreated
README.txt removing everything except for the overview.
Alexander Heavner
- [Checkins] SVN: zope.testbrowser/trunk/setup.py setup.py was
missing a ', ' after a package name it was added back in.
Alexander Heavner
- [Checkins] SVN: zope.testing/trunk/src/zope/testing/ Added
zope.testing.server thingie. Now you can use a real browser on a
Ignas MikalajÃ
- [Checkins] SVN: zope.thread/trunk/ Changed the version number in
setup.py. Used find_packages instead of listing
Alexander Heavner
- [Checkins] SVN: zope.thread/trunk/ Recreated CHANGES.txt and
README.txt. Removed everything from README.txt
Alexander Heavner
- [Checkins] SVN: zope.traversing/trunk/ Buildoutification of
zope.traversing, and addition of setuptools as a dependency.
Michael Bernstein
- [Checkins] SVN: zope.traversing/trunk/ Changes the version number
in setup.py. Used find_packages to find packages
Alexander Heavner
- [Checkins] SVN: zope.traversing/trunk/README.txt Recreated
README.txt removing everything except for the overview.
Alexander Heavner
- [Checkins] SVN: zope.viewlet/trunk/ Changed the version number in
setup.py. Used find_packages to to find packages
Alexander Heavner
- [Checkins] SVN: zope.viewlet/trunk/README.txt Recreated the
README.txt removing everything except for the overview.
Alexander Heavner
- [Checkins] SVN: zope.viewlet/trunk/setup.py Added a missing ',
' behind zope.i18nmessageid.
Alexander Heavner
- [Checkins] SVN: zope.webdav/trunk/src/zope/webdav/ Add unit tests
for the MKCOL implementation.
Michael Kerrin
- [Checkins] SVN: zope.webdav/trunk/src/zope/webdav/ Emit an
ObjectModifiedEvent on successfully modifying a property with
Michael Kerrin
- [Checkins] SVN: zope.webdav/trunk/src/zope/webdav/ Use a zcml
defined test layer to configure the functional tests.
Michael Kerrin
- [Checkins] SVN: zope.webdav/trunk/src/zope/webdav/ Use the
content-length header instead of the request.read method
Michael Kerrin
- [Checkins] SVN: zope.webdav/trunk/src/zope/webdav/ Use the
IReadDirectory adapter to recursively find all sub resource
Michael Kerrin
- [Checkins] SVN: zope.webdav/trunk/src/zope/webdav/ Use utility
methods from zope.datetime and datetime itself in order to
Michael Kerrin
- [Checkins] SVN: zope.xmlpickle/ Creating directory structure for
Alexander Heavner
- [Checkins] SVN: zope.xmlpickle/trunk/s Initial commit of
zope.xmlpickle for eggification.
Alexander Heavner
- [Checkins] SVN: Zope/branches/2.10/ Un-deprecate 'zLOG' module.
Tres Seaver
- [Checkins] SVN: Zope/branches/2.10/ Workaround for Python
expressions encoded as unicode string.
Andreas Jung
- [Checkins] SVN: Zope/branches/2.10/lib/python/App/ Remove stray
executable flag
Wichert Akkerman
- [Checkins] SVN: Zope/branches/2.10/lib/python/ImageFile.py Remove
useless executable flag
Wichert Akkerman
- [Checkins] SVN: Zope/branches/2.9/ Un-deprecate zLOG.
Tres Seaver
- [Checkins] SVN: Zope/trunk/ Undeprecated 'zLOG',
which will remain a backward-compatibility shim for the
Python logging module.
Tres Seaver
- [Checkins] SVN: Zope/trunk/ Workaround for Python expressions
encoded as unicode string.
Andreas Jung
- [Checkins] SVN: Zope/trunk/lib/python/App/ Remove stray
svn:executable flags
Wichert Akkerman
- [Checkins] SVN: Zope/trunk/lib/python/Products/PythonScripts/
Merged r72753:72754 from 2.9 branch.
Stefan H. Holek
- [Checkins] SVN: Zope3.buildout/ - A Zope 3 release using buildout
Christian Theune
- [Checkins] SVN: Zope3.buildout/trunk/ - added a buildout.cfg that
acquires the zope.app egg
Christian Theune
- [Checkins] SVN: Zope3.buildout/trunk/ - Ignoring Makefile
Christian Theune
- [Checkins] SVN: Zope3.buildout/trunk/ - moving to a buildout that
will feature a release mechanism
Christian Theune
- [Checkins] SVN: Zope3.buildout/trunk/buildout.cfg - fix version
Christian Theune
- [Checkins] SVN: Zope3.buildout/trunk/buildout.cfg - going to
packaged version of instance recipe
Christian Theune
- [Checkins] SVN: Zope3.buildout/trunk/buildout.cfg - moving to use
zope3instance recipe to hold the dependency to zope.app
Christian Theune
- [Checkins] SVN: Zope3.buildout/trunk/buildout.cfg - re-add parts,
change default prefix
Christian Theune
- [Checkins] SVN: Zope3.buildout/trunk/Makefile.in - use the existing
bootstrap.py for now
Christian Theune
- [Checkins] SVN: Zope3/branches/3.3/doc/CHANGES.txt Backport changes
from trunk.
Yusei Tahara
- [Checkins] SVN: Zope3/branches/3.3/src/zope/app/file/browser/file.
Backport changes from trunk.
Yusei Tahara
- [Checkins] SVN: Zope3/branches/3.3/src/zope/app/interface/ Fix
interfaces that subclass interfaces in persistent modules
Ross Patterson
- [Checkins] SVN: Zope3/branches/3.3/src/zope/app/interface/ Fix
other persistent interface attributes that require conversion
Ross Patterson
- [Checkins] SVN: Zope3/branches/ajung-zope.file-blob/ zope.file blob
support integration
Andreas Jung
- [Checkins] SVN: Zope3/branches/ajung-zope.file-blob/site.zcml
hooked in zope.file, zope.metatype
Andreas Jung
- [Checkins] SVN: Zope3/branches/ajung-zope.file-blob/src/zope/
hooked zope.file
Andreas Jung
- [Checkins] SVN: Zope3/branches/ajung-zope.file-blob/src/zope/ added
Andreas Jung
- [Checkins] SVN: Zope3/branches/ajung-zope.file-blob/src/zope/ fixed
Andreas Jung
- [Checkins] SVN: Zope3/branches/ajung-zope.file-blob/src/zope/ using
dedicated branch for blob integration
Andreas Jung
- [Checkins] SVN: Zope3/branches/ajung-zope.file-blob/src/zope/ using
zope.file from the trunk since the blob support has been merged
Andreas Jung
- [Checkins] SVN: Zope3/branches/baijum-test-layers/ Already merged
to trunk.
Baiju M
- [Checkins] SVN: Zope3/branches/buildoutify-zope.interface/ branch
to work on moving zope.interface code into zope.interface project
Benji York
- [Checkins] SVN: Zope3/branches/buildoutify-zope.interface/ remove
now unnecessary branch
Benji York
- [Checkins] SVN: Zope3/branches/mkerrin-twisted-upgrade/ Merged to
Michael Kerrin
- [Checkins] SVN: Zope3/trunk/ - Added AppWSGILayer to existing ftests
Baiju M
- [Checkins] SVN: Zope3/trunk/ - icon directive now supports width
and height
Roman Joost
- [Checkins] SVN: Zope3/trunk/ Moved IBroken to
zope.app.broken.interfaces to avoid cyclic imports
Baiju M
- [Checkins] SVN: Zope3/trunk/ Update the version of Twisted to 2.5
Michael Kerrin
- [Checkins] SVN: Zope3/trunk/doc/CHANGES.txt Mention my recent
Florian Lindner
- [Checkins] SVN: Zope3/trunk/src/ Get test to pass on Mac. Any
other ideas?
Gary Poster
- [Checkins] SVN: Zope3/trunk/src/ Get test to pass on Mac. Any
other ideas?
Benji York
- [Checkins] SVN: Zope3/trunk/src/ Get test to pass on Mac. Any
other ideas?
Gary Poster
- [Checkins] SVN: Zope3/trunk/src/ Get test to pass on Mac. Any other
Gary Poster
- [Checkins] SVN: Zope3/trunk/src/ Pushing the ZODB version from
71248 on 3.7 branch to 72313.
Albertas Agejevas
- [Checkins] SVN: Zope3/trunk/src/zope/ hook in zope.file
Andreas Jung
- [Checkins] SVN: Zope3/trunk/src/zope/ Removed
zope.app.fssync.fsbundle since it is no longer needed. Fixed a typo.
Uwe Oestermeier
- [Checkins] SVN: Zope3/trunk/src/zope/ Removed
zope.app.fssync.fsregistry and the related fssync zcml
directives. Synchronizers are now registered as named
utilities. See the new registration.txt for details.
Uwe Oestermeier
- [Checkins] SVN: Zope3/trunk/src/zope/ reverted zope.file inclusion
(should have happend on my branch)
Andreas Jung
- [Checkins] SVN: Zope3/trunk/src/zope/annotation/setup.py Added
setup.py in order to 'eggify' the package
Alexander Heavner
- [Checkins] SVN: Zope3/trunk/src/zope/annotation/setup.py Removed
setup.py because it is a duplicate that I mistakenly added.
Alexander Heavner
- [Checkins] SVN: Zope3/trunk/src/zope/app/ - Moved zope.app.ftests
into zope.app.testing
Baiju M
- [Checkins] SVN: Zope3/trunk/src/zope/app/ Added AppComponentLayer,
AppFileLayer, AppHttpLayer, PageTemplateLayer,
Baiju M
- [Checkins] SVN: Zope3/trunk/src/zope/app/ Added I18nFileLayer,
DebugSkinLayer, AppExceptionLayer, BostonLayer,
Baiju M
- [Checkins] SVN: Zope3/trunk/src/zope/app/ Added SessionLayer,
SQLScriptLayer, OnlineHelpLayer,
Baiju M
- [Checkins] SVN: Zope3/trunk/src/zope/app/ Added ZPTPageLayer,
RotterdamLayer and GenerationsLayer.
Baiju M
- [Checkins] SVN: Zope3/trunk/src/zope/app/ Change
zope.app.preference.preference and
Jacob Holm
- [Checkins] SVN: Zope3/trunk/src/zope/app/ Corrected dotted names of
some synchronizer utilities.
Uwe Oestermeier
- [Checkins] SVN: Zope3/trunk/src/zope/app/ Introduce a master
checkbox to the ZMI that toggles all other check boxes from a
folder listing.
Florian Lindner
- [Checkins] SVN: Zope3/trunk/src/zope/app/apidoc/ - Added
APIDocLayer and APIDocNoDevModeLayer
Baiju M
- [Checkins] SVN: Zope3/trunk/src/zope/app/applicationcontrol/ Use
ApplicationControlLayer for all ftests.
Baiju M
- [Checkins] SVN: Zope3/trunk/src/zope/app/catalog/ Added
AppCatalogLayer to existing ftests.
Baiju M
- [Checkins] SVN: Zope3/trunk/src/zope/app/file/browser/file.py Fixed
timezone related bug of Last-Modified header.
Yusei Tahara
- [Checkins] SVN: Zope3/trunk/src/zope/app/form/ Merge from
baijum-test-layers branch:
Baiju M
- [Checkins] SVN: Zope3/trunk/src/zope/app/form/testing.py Added
allow_teardown=True in test layer.
Baiju M
- [Checkins] SVN: Zope3/trunk/src/zope/app/fssync/ Added functional
doctests and a test layer to zope.app.fssync.
Uwe Oestermeier
- [Checkins] SVN: Zope3/trunk/src/zope/app/interface/ Fix interfaces
that subclass interfaces in persistent modules
Ross Patterson
- [Checkins] SVN: Zope3/trunk/src/zope/app/interface/ More elegant
fix for various persistent interface issues
Ross Patterson
- [Checkins] SVN: Zope3/trunk/src/zope/app/intid/ Added a level of
indirection as to what BTree flavour the IntIds utility uses.
Albertas Agejevas
- [Checkins] SVN: Zope3/trunk/src/zope/app/intid/ Added a level of
indirection as to what BTree flavour the IntIds utility uses.
Bernd Dorn
- [Checkins] SVN: Zope3/trunk/src/zope/app/intid/ Added a level of
indirection as to what BTree flavour the IntIds utility uses.
Albertas Agejevas
- [Checkins] SVN: Zope3/trunk/src/zope/app/intid/ Added IntIdLayer to
existing ftests.
Baiju M
- [Checkins] SVN: Zope3/trunk/src/zope/app/intid/ Changed getUtility
to queryUtility with a reasonable default as
Albertas Agejevas
- [Checkins] SVN: Zope3/trunk/src/zope/app/intid/ Since the BTree
factory lookup uses queryUtility with a sensible default,
Albertas Agejevas
- [Checkins] SVN: Zope3/trunk/src/zope/app/locales/extract.py Add the
capability to check i18n domains when extracting translatable
Ignas MikalajÃ
- [Checkins] SVN: Zope3/trunk/src/zope/app/module/ ModuleManagers
behave differently when interfaces are involved
Ross Patterson
- [Checkins] SVN: Zope3/trunk/src/zope/app/module/ Use normal strings
for ModuleManager names
Ross Patterson
- [Checkins] SVN: Zope3/trunk/src/zope/app/module/manager.py Use
encode() instead of str() for module names
Ross Patterson
- [Checkins] SVN: Zope3/trunk/src/zope/app/rotterdam/zope3.js
Corrected my change,
so that only checkboxes of class "slaveBox" are toggled. (the code
before was not really working).
Florian Lindner
- [Checkins] SVN: Zope3/trunk/src/zope/app/rotterdam/zope3.js Again
some corrections to the JavaScript code. Sorry,
I'm not really a JavaScript guy...
Florian Lindner
- [Checkins] SVN: Zope3/trunk/src/zope/cachedescriptors/property.py
whitespaces and coding style fixes
Christian Zagrodnick
- [Checkins] SVN: Zope3/trunk/src/zope/component/interfaces.py Fixed
a typo in IComponentLookup interface.
Aaron Lehmann
- [Checkins] SVN: Zope3/trunk/src/zope/component/socketexample.txt
Few typo fixes.
Baiju M
- [Checkins] SVN: Zope3/trunk/src/zope/configuration/xmlconfig.py
More explicit deprecation warning message.
Baiju M
- [Checkins] SVN: Zope3/trunk/src/zope/interface/common/interfaces.py
OverflowWarning was removed in Python 2.5
Jim Fulton
- [Checkins] SVN: Zope3/trunk/src/zope/security/checker.py removed
Christian Zagrodnick
Last message date:
Wed Feb 28 23:36:19 EST 2007
Archived on: Fri May 4 06:57:08 EST 2007
This archive was generated by
Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).