[ZF] zope-announce moderation

Christian Theune ct at gocept.com
Tue Mar 27 13:04:16 EDT 2007

Am Dienstag, den 27.03.2007, 13:04 -0400 schrieb Jim Fulton:
> I'm a moderator for zope-announce.  My opinion is that zope-announce  
> should be for announcements and that discussion, especially  
> inflammatory discussion should go elsewhere.  Recently, someone  
> objected in strong terms to an announcement.  I discarded that  
> message. They CCed other lists though and people responded to their  
> comments.  This is fine, however, their responses went to zope- 
> announce.  I was able to discard one of these, but not the other  
> because some people can post without moderations.
> I'd like to remove all unmoderated posters, requiring moderation of  
> all posts to zope-announce.

I'm fine with that. 

gocept gmbh & co. kg - forsterstraße 29 - 06112 halle/saale - germany
www.gocept.com - ct at gocept.com - phone +49 345 122 9889 7 -
fax +49 345 122 9889 1 - zope and plone consulting and development
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