[ZF] Proposal: Launchpad code hosting for ZF projects; free commercial support for migration

Gary Poster gary at modernsongs.com
Sat Feb 28 11:25:52 EST 2009

I'm going to be forwarding some messages from Christian Reis (Kiko).   
He is the project manager for Launchpad and bzr.

Here's the first.

On Fri, Feb 27, 2009 at 02:05:24PM -0500, Tres Seaver wrote:
 > 1. Should we move from SVN to a new DVCS?

I think eventually most projects will move on to a DVCS. It is really a
fantastic improvement from a developer's perspective: local commits,
browsing of local history, trivial branching and smart merging.. Most of
the problems we see in DVCS today are in a way teething problems as
people have figured out how we're going to use these tools and what the
performance and workflow implications are.

Being an adopter of a DVCS, and in particular of one where the authors
are interested in your feedback and input, means you can also help shape
how that tool works for you. Need a plugin to simplify your workflow?
Let's talk about it. Missing an important feature for this year? Let's
figure out where to put it on the roadmap. So this is indeed a
deliberate offer from me and Canonical -- and I won't underline this  
if I
don't feel this is a net win for Zope. But right now I do!

 > 2. If so, which one?  There are already folks happily using git,
 >    and bzr, and hg in our community:  I'm pretty sure there is no
 >    easy consensus among the four choices.

I have picked up two bugs from this thread (98836 and 304883) and will
look into them; it's also worth noting the major ongoing performance
work for the first quarter 2009.

 > 3. If the developers choose bzr, should we take Canonical up on their
 >    offer?  I would vote "no" here:  I don't think the Foundation  
 >    outsource managment of the codebase, where custody of that  
 >    is the entire reason the Foundation exists.

I think Gary pointed this out before, but fundamentally a DVCS means
that you decide how to manage your codebase. Launchpad can act as the
primary advertised repository, or as a mirror. The cool thing about
Launchpad, though, is that anybody can use it as a public storage room
for their branches -- and you can on top of that issue review requests
and have reviews handled via email or the web UI equally. We're also
investing a lot into features that make it easier to share and manage
code -- inline annotations, incremental diffs, etc.
Christian Robottom Reis | [+55 16] 3376 0125 | http://launchpad.net/~kiko
                         | [+55 16] 9112 6430 | http://async.com.br/ 

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