[ZF] A couple of github issues

Stephan Richter stephan.richter at gmail.com
Fri Feb 1 00:55:34 UTC 2013

On Thursday, January 31, 2013 06:14:44 PM Jim Fulton wrote:
> There are a couple of issues we need to address:

Thanks for writing this up as especially the first issue has really bugged me.

>    - use bitbucket which has saner permissions (or try to get github
>      to fix their permissions)

This would actually be fine with me.

Another option would be to make everyone an admin. Yes, I know that means that 
anyone can add new contributors to the organization but that is still better 
than the status quo.

>    IMO, the authors.txt file should be made available in a public
>    repo. If we really really think that this public information should
>    be revealed only to contributors, we could pay github $7/mo and put
>    it in a private repository accessible to developers.  This would
>    have the added advantage that developers could manage their own
>    entries.


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