[ZF] A couple of github issues

Matthew Wilkes matthew at matthewwilkes.co.uk
Fri Feb 1 11:11:16 UTC 2013

Hi Jim, all,

>     - use bitbucket which has saner permissions (or try to get github
>       to fix their permissions)

There is a confusing work around, actually. If you create a team that 
has admin rights *to that team*, i.e. not the organisation, it allows 
users to create repositories.

>     - Write and maintain an application that authenticates contributors
>       and creates repos for them. (This will be a pain to write and
>       maintain. Not it!)

Plone tried this and has the code for it. We gave up on it.

>     - Identify some specialists and create a process other than
>       zope-dev for requesting repos.

I am happy to volunteer for this and would accept requests via IRC.

>     IMO, the authors.txt file should be made available in a public
>     repo. If we really really think that this public information should
>     be revealed only to contributors, we could pay github $7/mo and put
>     it in a private repository accessible to developers.  This would
>     have the added advantage that developers could manage their own
>     entries.

+1 on public repo

Also, GitHub readily grant Bronze status to open source organisations 
(Plone and plone-security both are free Bronzes), so we could ask for 
that have had up to 5 private GitHub repos.


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