[ZF] Finances and services

Jim Fulton jim at zope.com
Tue Feb 12 12:49:04 UTC 2013

The latest board minutes have "The treasurer filed his report via
email to the board list before the meeting."  As a non-board-member, I
find this to be pretty opaque.  I've scanned through a year and a half
of minutes and all I can find is a mention in last January's minutes
that Gary reported that we had $62,657.35.

Can we get more detailed and regular reporting?

As a member, I'd like to know on a regular basis:

- how much money we have,

- how much we're taking in, and

- What we're spending money on.

Also, I'd like to get a better idea of what services the foundation is
providing. Services I know of:

- mail.zope.org

- www.zope.org

- foundation.zope.org

- download.zope.org (defunct?)

- docs.zope.org

- winbot/winbuilder?

Are there others?


Jim Fulton
Jerky is better than bacon! http://zo.pe/Kqm

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