[Grok-dev] Re: Grok-CD

Armin C. Stroß-Radschinski developer at acsr.de
Tue Jul 10 16:07:40 EDT 2007

Am 10.07.2007 um 20:15 schrieb Sebastian Ware:

> The club rocks! :)
> I am thinking something like this. Almost as if Grok (the logo...)  
> is wielding the club...
> http://www.urbantalk.se/DEVELOPER/grok_3/logo/grok-signet- 
> knuckleclub_sw.png
> It's compact, yet not restrained.
> Mvh Sebastian
Hi Sebastian,
I put this version in the folder with the development too. Did you  
see the last ones?

General this one is of course better from the layout point of view,  
but the club seems a little bit useless – dropped down. Like GROK is  
80 years old ;-). But the semantics should always transport "Impact"  
"Drive" "ME TOOL WORK WELL". This subtile effects are important when  
you "catch" the logo with the first view.

The brain is a pattern matching machine: Always deciding if something  
is food, friend or enemy.
I played around and the thing is that I am still not fully satisfied.  
There must be one improvement that gives the last kick. Let us sleep  
one night and get the "club" hit ;-) tomorrow!

Cheers Armin

Armin Carl Stroß-Radschinski, Dipl. Designer
acsr infopair, Landgrafenstraße 32, 53842 Troisdorf, Germany

Telefon +49 (0) 22 41 / 94 69 94, FAX +49 (0) 22 41 / 94 69 96
eMail a.stross-radschinski at infopair.com - http://www.infopair.com
UST. ID Nr: DE154092803

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