[Grok-dev] Template pluggability and megrok.genshi finished.

Lennart Regebro regebro at gmail.com
Fri Oct 5 17:50:21 EDT 2007

Mine and Guidos work on making Genshi support for Grok is now ready for review.

The branch of Grok:

The grok.View is now completely template agnostic, except for a BBB
__getitem__ that handles the macro access directly on the view. This
is now deprecated for
going via the macros attribute, as per standard ZPT.

Instead of one grokker for PageTemplate and on for PageTemplateFile
there is now just one for the base class GrokPageTemplate which all
PageTemplates should subclass.

Documentation on how to use the template pluggability:

The docs aren't that super, suggestions on how to improve them are welcome.

megrok.genshi, Genshi templates in Grok:

After feedback on the list, we now have no way of traversing from
inside a template. I agree on the principle, but suspect it's going to
be unwieldy, so maybe a "traverse" method or similar could be an idea.
Maybe we should start using it first and see. Maybe not. :-)

Lennart Regebro: Zope and Plone consulting.
+33 661 58 14 64

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