[Grok-dev] Re: maintaining the Grok website

Martin Aspeli optilude at gmx.net
Sun Sep 16 12:53:00 EDT 2007

Hi Luciano,

> I'm Brazilian, Sebastian, so I'll never say it sucks, even if it does :).


And I'm Norwegian, so I'm likely to say it sucks, even if it doesn't. ;-)

> Now, seriously, I will try Proton and review it's code with an open
> mind, but I've already made public my support to the use of Plone 3
> for the Grok site. I may change my mind after testing Proton, but to
> be honest I think it is unlikely that I will find it *the* solution
> for the Grok site. But I believe it's good to be able to mix tools
> when building sites with varied needs (even the Ruby on Rails folks
> use Trac!)

So do the Plone people.

> so maybe Proton can find it's place as a specialized tool.
> Even if we do not end up using it at the Grok site, I think there is
> tremendous value in having a lightweight CMS as an example
> application.

I completely agree.

> [from another post by Sebastian Ware]
>> What Grok really needs is a really lightweight solution that has a smart
>> knowledge base/commented API kind of thing.
> The interactive API tool is a possible area where Proton could be a
> better match to our needs than Plone.

That sounds sensible.


Acquisition is a jealous mistress

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