[Grok-dev] New grokproject release?

Philipp von Weitershausen philipp at weitershausen.de
Fri Jul 11 09:23:48 EDT 2008

El 9 Jul 2008, a las 01:40 , Tim Terlegård escribió:
> On Jul 7, 2008, at 5:08 PM, Philipp von Weitershausen wrote:
>> I would very much like to see a new grokproject release soonish.  
>> I'd be happy to make the release, I'm just wondering whether  
>> there's anything left to be done. As far as I can tell, it's just  
>> the version pinning that was on Martijn's list. If we pinned the  
>> recipes and zc.buildout itself, would that be ok for now? We could  
>> always pin PasteScript, grokproject's own dependency, in a later  
>> release, once we've figured out how ;)
> I tried the grokproject trunk now inside a virtualenv. I'm getting  
> an error.
> This seems to be due to bin/buildout using 1.0.1 of zc.buildout. I  
> have more
> recent versions in my global eggs directory, but somehow they are  
> not used.
> If I change bin/buildout to using 1.0.6 things are fine. This is the  
> error I get
> after creating a new project and running buildout.

This isn't a grokproject bug. This is a dependency bug in  
zc.recipe.egg. You see, zc.buildout was given an allow_hosts argument  
and zc.recipe.egg started using it, but without declaring that it  
needed at least that newer zc.buildout version. Now, if you somehow  
got a newer zc.recipe.egg but an older zc.buildout, things would break  
the way you describe.

> /tmp/projtest/hula $ ./bin/buildout
> Develop: '/private/tmp/projtest/hula/.'
> Unused options for buildout: 'download-directory'.
> Updating eggbasket.
> Installing app.
> While:
>  Installing app.
> An internal error occured due to a bug in either zc.buildout or in a
> recipe being used:
> TypeError:
> install() got an unexpected keyword argument 'allow_hosts'

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