[Grok-dev] Re: Another idea for promoting Grok

Jan Ulrich Hasecke juhasecke at googlemail.com
Thu Jun 5 14:14:05 EDT 2008

Am 05.06.2008 um 18:03 schrieb Kamon Ayeva:

> I propose we exploit every possible planned Python meeting to  
> present Grok + try when possible to have additional ones dedicated  
> to Grok.

Living near Cologne, where we had the Neanderthal-Sprint, I always  
wanted to present Grok to the PyCologne Group, which is rather big.  
But they meet Wednesday, which is bad for me. :-(



Business: http://hasecke.com --- Private: http://hasecke.eu --- Blog:  
http://www.sudelbuch.de --- History: www.generationenprojekt.de ---  
Europe: www.wikitution.org

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