[Grok-dev] Re: Grokstar

Danny Navarro danny at ibioinformatics.org
Sat Jun 14 05:37:19 EDT 2008

On Sat, Jun 14, 2008 at 1:53 PM, Graham Stratton <gns24 at mythic-beasts.com>
>  - Put all the above into an issue tracker ;-)
>> Is it ok with you if I go ahead and register Grokstar project in
>> launchpad?
> Sounds good to me.

Done. Some blueprints to start with:


> > I got the zip from assembla. I couldn't figured out what is the URL that
> I should use when for 'git clone'.
> There isn't a git repository on assembla. I'm using git locally, but I'm
> using svn on assembla since that's what most people are most familiar with.
> svn co http://svn.assembla.com/svn/grokstar/trunk/

Works now. I'll look into merging Robert changes. I'll register my new
branch in launchpad and if you, all, agree with the merges we can put it on

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