[Grok-dev] Website using the usual registration + activation via email workflow

Christian Klinger cklinger at novareto.de
Mon Aug 16 03:43:36 EDT 2010

Hi Achim,

i use gocept.registration [1] in one of my projects. It implements all 
your needs.


[1] http://pypi.python.org/pypi/gocept.registration/0.3.0

> Hi,
> I want to implement a website which allows users can register themselves. I think my requirements are the very simple default case:
> - Some parts of the page are available only to logged in users.
> - All user information is stored in the ZODB, so no LDAP or something like that.
> - Registration expects an email address and sends a mail with an validation link to that address.
> - Users get activated after the activation link has been clicked.
> I have the Grok 1.0 book and I think I understand how to implement that workflow, but I thought I should first ask if there's already a library which implements at least parts of it. Any hint?
> cheers,
> Achim

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