[Grok-dev] Pending removal of KSS-howtos, will they be missed?

Uli Fouquet uli at gnufix.de
Wed Feb 17 04:57:14 EST 2010

Hi there,

Sebastian Ware wrote:

> Seeing as KSS is deprecated technology

I'm surprised to hear that. As Martijn correctly says, KSS is not widely
used in grok-community. But is it therefore deprecated?

>  I want to remove the howtos and  
> tutorial relating to KSS from grok.zope.org so we don't have to  
> maintain it.

What howtos and tutorial are these?

> Will anybody miss it? Is there a compelling reason to keep the docs  
> there?

Yeah, somehow I'd miss them.

I also quickly reviewed


and it is still working with grok 1.0 (Python 2.4 and 2.5). I see no
point in removing a working howto.

From a quick glance (haven't reviewed it entirely yet) at


I can tell that this _might_ need an update. Not because of KSS but for
setting up YUI stuff without using hurry.yui. ;-) I'd like to check this

Instead of simply kicking working howtos for deprecated
techniques/technologies I'd opt for the following policy:

  for doc in all_docs:
    (works, deprecated) = review(doc)

    if deprecated and works: # deprecated != not_widely_used
        'This one is deprecated use <link-to-replacement> instead')

    elif deprecated and not works:

    elif not works:


The main point being 

* to tell people about deprecatedness instead of leaving them standing 
  alone without notice.

* to give people a replacement if possible.

If it helps, I volunteer to review/update KSS-related stuff on
grok.zope.org (are there more KSS-docs than the two mentioned above?)

Regarding megrok.kss itself, I am also willing to keep it up-to-date
with ongoing changes in grok/grokcore.* as long as it does not become
too cumbersome (which is the point where I'd say: let's deprecate it.
This point is not reached yet.).

Best regards,


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