[Grok-dev] Linking to the Grok Documentation

Sylvain Viollon sylvain at infrae.com
Thu Nov 25 05:35:55 EST 2010


  I am currently writing documentation for Silva. I would like
  to know if it is safe to link to the Official Grok Documentation,
  like to

  Or is to called to change (like to be replaced by an UnOfficial Grok
  Documentation) ?

  As good to know, I made some extensions to Sphinx, who are not
  released yet:


  This contains a Pygment lexer for Buildout syntax (to get the line
  number working), an autointerface and autoevent directive, based a
  long time ago on repoze.sphinx.autointerface. I can tell you more
  about it if you are interested on IRC.


Sylvain Viollon -- Infrae
t +31 10 243 7051 -- http://infrae.com
Hoevestraat 10 3033GC Rotterdam -- The Netherlands

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