[Grok-dev] ZODB Talk

lozinski lozinski at privacv.com
Tue Jul 11 10:42:14 CEST 2017

If you are on the ZODB mailing list you will have seen that I just posted my slides for a ZODB talk.  If not, here they are. 

https://polandtrade.info/static/MyFiles/zodbtalk.pdf <https://polandtrade.info/static/MyFiles/zodbtalk.pdf>


Of course I could not have called it a Grok talk.  No one would have showed up.  So I call it a ZODB ecosystem talk and touch on Grok, and Pyramid and Plone.  

But I am very happy to now weight it more towards Grok. 
Any advice on what I should do?

My first idea was to was to add the grok Tutorial CRUD demo.   But that is too much detail. 

Much better would be the list of what you have to add to Pyramid to make it match grok.   PyARMs, schema and form libraries.  What else.  I do not really know the Pyramid ecosystem enough to choose the list.  Could anyone help me?

Would this make for a good slide?  Any advice or direction would be most appreciated. 

Comments appreciated. 

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