[ZDP] Proposal: A Zope Website Tutorial
Rik Hoekstra
Mon, 27 Dec 1999 15:14:15 +0100
Date sent: Fri, 24 Dec 1999 12:24:16 -0500
From: Eron Lloyd <woodsage@op.net>
Organization: Bionode Web Development
To: zdp@zope.org
Subject: [ZDP] Proposal: A Zope Website Tutorial
> Hey ZDP, this is Eron Lloyd, one of the newest members of the ZDP. I
> guess this is my formal introduction (hello all!). I've got a lot of
> ideas; for starters, I think a really good tutorial is needed. The one
> in the Content Manager's guide is good, but I think it needs a bit more.
> I'm still learning Zope, but I think I now know enough to get started
> working on a real life project. I'd like to document each step of the
> way, both to reinforce what I've learned and to produce a good
> step-by-step guide on the production of a dynamic site. I might hit a
> few common brickwalls, but if you guys are willing to help me get
> through these "newbie traps" I think I could do a good job. I just
> recently set up an EarthSave chapter (www.earthsave.org) for my area,
> and I would like to setup a site that can be a good resource for the
> community. Some of the basic things I'd like to create and document the
> steps to accomplish them are:
> - Basic Installation/setup
> - Image usage
> - Table usage
> - Frame usage
> - DTML, DTML Method/Document usage
> - FTP usage
> - Member login (cookie based)
> - Recipe index (ZCatalog-based)
> - News section
> - Events section
> - Email notifications
> - Navigation bar
> - Site search
> - Print-format documents
> - Creation of template products (for recipe, news, & events submissions)
> - Versions
> - Stylesheets
Sounds good
> I have all the content I need (including images), and I'd like to
> perspective to change from site admin. to member user to anonymous user,
> so the different capabilities are illustrated. Like I said, I might hit
> a lot of newbie traps, but this would really help others gain some
> insight to developing a complete site (zite? :-) in Zope. Then, we could
> package the whole thing up, and people could download all the files and
> work through the tutorials. Neat, huh?
I have been working at a piece of ZBook called Changing Contexts in
Zope. It has some simple parts, but also more advanced and it could
certainly do with the basic stuff you porpose. You can find it at the
ZDP zite under ZBook and at my member pages at
www.ope.org/Members/Hoekstra/ don't recall the url, there is a link
there. I have some material for inclusion in what I called an
interactive tutotial on this list befor. I propose we try to
integrate it. Please have a look at it and tell me what you think.