[ZDP] Printable version of Tom's version of ZBook

Tom Deprez Tom.Deprez@uz.kuleuven.ac.be
Wed, 19 May 1999 12:38:47 +0200

Hi Martijn,

Now I'm hoping not to be shot :-)

Is it possible, to only show the dates which are modified after the last
visit of a person? I think this can be done with cookies, but I don't know
anything about it...

>At 00:58 19/05/99 , Tom Deprez wrote:
>>Is it also possible to place the date when the contents of a certain DTML
>>Document are changed (next to the the title), in the tree?
>Yup, by inserting <!--#var bobobase_modification_time fmt=Date--> into the 
>tree. As I am still alive, I took the liberty to do so, adding a CSS rule 
>to display things nicely.
>If you want to change the exact formatting of the date, play around with 
>the fmt attribute. The DTML User's Guide Appendix A lists all possible
>Martijn Pieters, Web Developer
>| Antraciet http://www.antraciet.nl
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>ZDP maillist  -  ZDP@zope.org