[ZDP] (Fwd) Re: [ZDP] REVIEW: Proposed Zope Developer's Guide Outlin
Martijn Faassen
Tue, 25 May 1999 21:57:21 +0200
Rik Hoekstra wrote:
> Speaking about real world examples (speaking from a university background):
> - on-line conference - with wistles and bells: membership subscription,
> session registration, paper registration, search system, ordering by
> subject, discipline, discussion forums
> - on-line web based teaching system (a la WebCT <http://webct.curtin.edu.au>
> to name just one example)
I'm interested in this and other more general less university related
systems myself. If all goes well I'll get some time here in the future
(probably starting july or so) to implement some of these in Zope. I
hope to use some of the portal toolkit (membership and such) that
Digital Creations is working on; I hope the schedules match. :) You all
will be sure to hear more about this from me!
Of course this isn't really about docs, but what the heck. :)