[ZDP] Réf. : [ZDP] About Michel posting

Dody Gunawinata dody_g@eles.com
Wed, 03 Nov 1999 16:55:24 +0100

> Also, Tom mentioned a worry about being left holding the bag (a
> peanut?).  This isn't really a problem, lots of book contracts get
> cancelled because the author simply couldn't complete the project for
> sincere reasons (like having no co-authors).  In situations like this,
> the publisher will go to the effort to find a co-author for you, perhaps
> one who has written a book for them in the past.  Also, there is no
> penalty for not completing a book, you simply have to return any
> advances they've given you.  It's really a low-risk proposition.

Thanks for the info Michel, this publishing thing I guess is new to most
of us. A lot of things are unknown. Especially if you look at the
reaction of "lead editor" issues raised by Laurie. 

You have the advantage of working on your own (with a co-author), you
have the call of what's in and what's out. ZBook is by nature is a team
projects, and the people working in it just for the fun of it. When
suddenly we have a chance of having our names in front of a book, things
suddenly gets serious. And we start to worry about things that we didn't
think was important before. 

We still have a lot to learn. Things would cool down and things would
get sorted out just alright.


> Further, the publisher does alot of the hard work for you, layout,
> design, editing, indexing etc.  They will review the book periodically
> and even hire reviewers to read the material and report back to you (New
> Riders has in fact asked me if in the future they could contact me about
> being a reviewer for other python/zope books they do, something I would
> be happy to do).
> -Michel
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