[ZDP] Article Submission/Display
Dody Gunawinata
Wed, 06 Oct 1999 18:08:00 +1000
ZDP in Zope.org is no match to our 'real' Zope installation at
zdp.zope.org. There is so much
cool things we can do with it. Install confera, or squishdot for that
matter, for our content feedback.
I'd like to think /members/ZDP is like an emergency shelter while the
house is being rebuild :)
So when do we have Zope2 for zdp.zope.org ?
But then, at least now, we must have something to show. The writer
writes, the editor edits, the tools-developer
Seeing the ZDP progress, it seems that we all have 'real' job, hence the
time is limited. I wish there are more
university students here.
Simon Michael wrote:
> Welcome back, Tom,
> "Tom Deprez" <tom.deprez@village.uunet.be> writes:
> > member. From what I've read and think I imaging that this member is for the
> > following :
> >
> > Until the ZDP-tool is created and until the ZDP site is upgraded we'll use
> > the ZDP member.
> > The ZDP member will contain an inventory, status of all the ZDP workers.
> I think ZDP content should be in one place, either the ZDP member area
> or the zdp.zope.org site (default).
> So right now the zdp member area is simply a placeholder link or
> redirect to zdp.zope.org. Also I thought we might experiment with the
> idea of posting (dummy?) content in order to get ZDP updates listed on
> the front page along with the Howtos & Product announcements.
> > The ZDP member will be very, very rudimentary...
> I think so, certainly as long as we keep zdp.zope.org.
> > Is there already something in the 'ZDP-member', cause I can't find
> Just a zdp link. http://www.zope.org/Members/ZDP
> _______________________________________________
> ZDP maillist - ZDP@zope.org
> http://www.zope.org/mailman/listinfo/zdp