[ZDP] Article Submission/Display

Dody Gunawinata dody_g@eles.com
Wed, 06 Oct 1999 18:12:33 +1000

You make a very good point there. We should make it easy for people to
contribute. We need a place for something, that 'educates' the
contributor, and enables them to integrate seamlessly to the existing

But first, we must get the content out there :)

Things to do:

- Project status.
- Faqs (how to contribute, etc)
- Marketing.
- Content tree (ZCL) matured.

- A cool Zope t-shirt :0)


Simon Michael wrote:
> Martijn Pieters writes: <concerns about security>
> I hear you Martijn. IMHO it's more important to make contributions a
> no-brainer, than to defend against vandals, at this point.
> For example: I've just signed up at zope.org; I find out about ZDP; I
> want to make a small contribution. Extend a chapter, upload a status
> document or whatever. It seems I need to get another account on a
> separate site. How ? Hmm, must search mailing list.. wait for
> approval.. Hmm, instead why not publish a howto or tip with my
> existing account and raise my standing with the entire zope
> community ? Yeah..
> Perhaps I overstate the case. Just 2 cents worth.
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