Dody Gunawinata dody_g@eles.com
Tue, 12 Oct 1999 08:55:06 +1000

Tom Deprez wrote:
> Ok,
> made a very rudimentary ZBook status page. (Sorry, it's very rudimentary)
> http://zdp.zope.org/ZBookStatus/

Rudimentary is ok, as long as people can get the idea and download the
latest 'release' of ZBook.

Could you upload all the avaialable drafts and put it on the status page

So visitor would get the benefit of getting their materials early and
also can be involved in the process
of making ZBook become reality.


> I forgot our loginname/password on the zope site :-(.
> Perhaps someone can put a link there to the ZDP one and put it on the Zope
> news?
> Tom.
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