[ZDP] Re: [ZDP] Réf. : [ZDP] Re: [ZDP] Réf. : [ ZDP] status Re: [ZDP] Réf. : [ZDP] Re: [ZDP] Réf. : [ ZDP] status

Tom Deprez tom.deprez@uz.kuleuven.ac.be
Wed, 20 Oct 1999 16:59:36 +0200

oops, didn't knew that you haven't a login yet.

Ok, done.

Regards, Tom.

>No problem. I understand your question, Tom.
>If you give me an account or give me the instructions, I am okay to move my
>documents to ZBookStatus. This seems a consistent way to manage the book's
>tom.deprez@uz.kuleuven.ac.be on 20/10/99 16:45:40
>Pour :    Kamon Ayeva/HO/VERITAS, zdp@zope.org
>cc :
>Objet :   [ZDP] Re: [ZDP] Réf. : [ZDP] status
>>These drafts are published on my member page at
>Kamon, shall I put a link for ZBookStatus to your page? Because it's the
>intention to have one place where people can go to, to see the updates of
>ZBook. I don't mind you place your files into your own folder, but we just
>have somewhere a common place where all updates are placed or referenced
>What do you think?
>ps. I'm not critisizing your work! So please, be not angry for this mail.
>ZDP maillist  -  ZDP@zope.org