[ZDP] ZBook
Dody Gunawinata
Thu, 21 Oct 1999 10:56:03 +1000
Thanks Luciano,
Come vai ? :)
This is really a good news for the project.
So would it be correct if we now assume that you are taking the External
Method chapter ? (Please reply)
As of now, there is no editorial guidelines as such. So it's quite up to
you in structuring your content. This is probably one of the problem
that we need to address, but I think we are all still probing for the
best way in presenting our content.
However, we do have a 'unwritten' rule, which is *there is never too
much examples*. And another, each chapter, whenever applicable, should
contains exercises questions, that challenged the reader in solving a
certain specific problem. The answer should be provided, probably in a
separate appendix. This approach would make ZBook extremely useful for
teaching Zope in university.
There is no imposed limit, minimum or maximum, number of pages your
chapter should have. In simplicity, the more the better. But it still
depends on how you write your chapter.
I recommend that you post your writing often, even they are not
complete. They are helpful in generating feedback and comment from other
member in the team.
And we do have two copy editors in the team. So this would help in your
writing as well.
As a starting point, you can assume that user has already known Python.
There is already another chapter dedicated for Python in Zope. However,
assume that the user knows nothing about External Method, what it is,
how to install it, and how to write and use it.
This some topics in your chapter that might be useful for you. Not
necceesarilly in order.
1. Installing External methods
- The directory
- Configuring Zope console.
2. Calling external methods from DTML.
3. Tips in writing External Methods
- Pure function.
- Exposing object methods thru external methods.
4. Using external methods as the 'core' of a Zope application logic.
5. using external methods as a way in storing and retrieving data.
(another alternative to ZSQL) -- This could be the material for another
chapter (--storing methods in Zope--).
6. What the difference in usage, a product and External methods.
So we are looking forward for your contribution.
Again, thank you for helping.
Luciano Ramalho wrote:
> I and my partners at Hiperlogica have been using Zope for all our projects
> since last January. One of the case studies in the Zope site is about one
> of our projects.
> I would be willing to contribute to the book. Looking at the TOC, among the
> unassigned chapters, the one that interested me most was that about
> External Methods. We have a pretty good experience developing and using
> them here. I do not consider myself a Zope Master, but a serious Zope
> Student who is making a living using that tool.
> If you think I can contribute, please tell me how many pages you think such
> a chapter should have, and send my aditional info such as editorial
> guidelines for contriibuting authors.
> Best regards,
> Luciano Ramalho
> --
> Hiperlógica <http://hiper.com.br>
> Automação de web-sites | Web-site automation
> São Paulo | Brasil | Fone: +55-11-816-8067
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