[ZDP] ZBook
Tom Deprez
Thu, 21 Oct 1999 11:00:41 +0200
Hi Luciano & Co,
I don't know if somebody else already has contacted you, if so, please
ignore this. Also this text is almost the same as I've written yesterday to
a contributor. (so it can be identically for some of us)
At the moment ZDP is very rudimentary. We're working on ZBook and are just
in the beginnings. You can find most up-to-date information at
For software, we're just using everything which is capable of writing
drafts. Most people write their stuff into Structured text.
A draft is placed at the link above (or referenced from there). And new
versions replace the old drafts.
When a draft recieved it's end status, it is placed at the ZBook tree
(which holds 2 chapters now).
Drafts are numbered as indicated in their chapter number in the ZCL, eg :
V.1.1 will be named as Chapter_511_stx (stx from structured text)
This way it will be easy to make some sort of tool which renders the
chapter titels very easely (I think) and everything will be in small
chuncks of text.
We've proposed a tool for making this more automatic, but at the moment
most people don't have the time or the experience with Python/Zope to
create our own tool.
I hope I didn't scared you with this information and I hope we can welcome
you to the ZDP members.
Kind Regards, Tom.
>I and my partners at Hiperlogica have been using Zope for all our projects
>since last January. One of the case studies in the Zope site is about one
>of our projects.
>I would be willing to contribute to the book. Looking at the TOC, among the
>unassigned chapters, the one that interested me most was that about
>External Methods. We have a pretty good experience developing and using
>them here. I do not consider myself a Zope Master, but a serious Zope
>Student who is making a living using that tool.
>If you think I can contribute, please tell me how many pages you think such
>a chapter should have, and send my aditional info such as editorial
>guidelines for contriibuting authors.
>Best regards,
>Luciano Ramalho
>Hiperlógica <http://hiper.com.br>
>Automação de web-sites | Web-site automation
>São Paulo | Brasil | Fone: +55-11-816-8067
>ZDP maillist - ZDP@zope.org