[ZDP] A publisher for ZBook?

Martijn Pieters mj@antraciet.nl
Thu, 28 Oct 1999 10:04:41 +0200

At 01:49 28/10/99 , Dody Gunawinata wrote:
>If this is going to be a ZDP project, I would disagree if the contents
>available in the printed form
>is more complete than the online form, just because printed book
>generates money. The are many ways we can arrange it.
>For one thing, I think Martin Faassen started this ZDP project to
>provides free information/guides to the user of Zope. A commercial
>backing should not change that good intentions. That's why many people
>use their spare time to write voluntarily.
>In the long run, if we want Zope to succeed astronomically, there is a
>*need* for a complete book available for free on the Internet. Not
>everybody can afford buying a book (ask the students).
>A printed form of ZBook can be a viable business that produce profit,
>but let's not forget the original intention.

Did anyone read what Laurie Petrycki of NR just wrote? The book would be 
published under the OPL, which means that they have the right to publish it 
commercially, but that we, as the authors can do with it what we deem 
right, as long as it fits under the OPL! This includes publishing the book 
online, or with any other publisher.

It also give the right to any other publisher to pick it up and publish it 
themselves. Any significant changes should be marked, and it is considered 
good form to inform the author(s), but they cannot restrict anyone else on 
using it either.

I think that this is a great opportunity to promote Zope and the ZDP, and 
_the_ motivation to actually finish this project!

Crawling-back-into-hiding-ly your's,

Martijn Pieters, Web Developer
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