[ZDP] A publisher for ZBook?

Tom Deprez tom.deprez@uz.kuleuven.ac.be
Thu, 28 Oct 1999 10:18:05 +0200

I agree with this!

At 10:04 28/10/1999 +0200, you wrote:
>At 01:49 28/10/99 , Dody Gunawinata wrote:
>>If this is going to be a ZDP project, I would disagree if the contents
>>available in the printed form
>>is more complete than the online form, just because printed book
>>generates money. The are many ways we can arrange it.
>>For one thing, I think Martin Faassen started this ZDP project to
>>provides free information/guides to the user of Zope. A commercial
>>backing should not change that good intentions. That's why many people
>>use their spare time to write voluntarily.
>>In the long run, if we want Zope to succeed astronomically, there is a
>>*need* for a complete book available for free on the Internet. Not
>>everybody can afford buying a book (ask the students).
>>A printed form of ZBook can be a viable business that produce profit,
>>but let's not forget the original intention.
>Did anyone read what Laurie Petrycki of NR just wrote? The book would be 
>published under the OPL, which means that they have the right to publish it 
>commercially, but that we, as the authors can do with it what we deem 
>right, as long as it fits under the OPL! This includes publishing the book 
>online, or with any other publisher.
>It also give the right to any other publisher to pick it up and publish it 
>themselves. Any significant changes should be marked, and it is considered 
>good form to inform the author(s), but they cannot restrict anyone else on 
>using it either.
>I think that this is a great opportunity to promote Zope and the ZDP, and 
>_the_ motivation to actually finish this project!
>Crawling-back-into-hiding-ly your's,
>Martijn Pieters, Web Developer
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>ZDP maillist  -  ZDP@zope.org