[ZDP] ZDP's Zope Book
Rod Pall
Thu, 21 Dec 2000 22:33:43 +0100 (MET)
I'd appreciate it very much if y'all would tell me who wrote the ZDP's
Zope Book, including every contributor, big and teeny.
Thank ya very much.
P.S. Happy Winter Solstice, Ho Ho Ho
Winter Solstice...
also known as Yule, Christmas, and Saturnalia, occurs in mid December. It
is to celebrate the birth of the new Solar year and the beginning of Winter.
The Goddess manifests as the Great Mother and the God as the Sun Child. The
God also appears as Santa Claus and Old Man Winter. Colors are Red, Green,
and White. This is a festival of inner renewal.
Greet the Sun at dawn on Solstice morning by ringing bells. Do magic for a
more peaceful planet.
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