[ZDP] New activity page

Rik Hoekstra rik.hoekstra@inghist.nl
Tue, 08 Feb 2000 14:13:56 +0100

Maik Roeder wrote:
> I think the best would be to break the activity items somewhere around
> 20 items, and then link to the activity page where you can have the
> activity shown by different aspects. For example in chronological orde,
> by meta_type and author.


> > > Yes. I don't like the name Ressources. Maybe we should make a button
> > > Mailing list ? Relating to mailing lists, I have an idea: Wouldn't it
> > > be great to have a script which automatically uploads the mail from
> > > the mailing list to the ZDP site ?
> >
> > This would be wonderful
> Good to hear that someone else thinks this is a good idea, because in
> my opinion very much information peacefully rests in mailing lists and
> is never ever put to use. For example I would not have started the
> ZDP-Tools-project without looking in the ZDP-archives and finding the most
> interesting postings by Jim Salmons (www.sohodojo.com).

I'm reading Jon Udell's "Practical Internet Groupware" from O'Reilly
right now (haven't come very far yet). He bets a lot of groupwaring (?)
on this sort of thing. It has many interesting ideas, especially on this
sort of thing (as if you'd need more ideas, I can't follow your pace
right now). Highly recommended. 

> > > Does anyone know of such a product ?
> >
> > No. It has been suggested on the list that you'd use the unix procmail
> > tool for this, but I do not know if that's feasible on zdp and if it's
> > desirable to do this without human intervention.
> The messages would need to have a short lifetime like 48 hours or so,
> and if they are not ripped apart and dragged around the ZDP site in
> that time, they are simply deleted from ZDP.
> > I do not know wether the notmail or worldpilot products have any support
> > for this. But they work with imap folders, which is probably not very
> > feasible for the ZDP site.
> I don't know much about these products. I also don't know much about
> IMAP other than that it is the successor of POP3 ?

Well, yes, though it's been around from quite some time. I do not know
much about the protocol, but i do know it keeps messages on a server in
user folders (though the client may make them available offline). You
are supposed to manage your mailbox at the server. As far as I know,
both IMAP clients and IMAP servers do not always work together very well
(they all seem to be a bit buggy). Doesn't seem like a good bet for the

> > I myself have been working of a 'digest' type of product, that allows
> > people to use their mail client to sort messages into folders and upload
> > the mailfolders to a site.
> Sounds great. I think we could really use this for ZDP.
> > This then splits it into separate messages (a DTML Document derivative)
> > and makes it into  split Zope Folders. They  are then searchable by
> > the catalog on headers and on body. This works quite well (though I'm
> > still working at it), and it enables end users to use their desktop
> > tools to sort messages. If you want, we could extend it for ZDP.
> You can send me the code, and I will have a look.
> > I'd be more than happy to work on it with you (if I can find the time...).
> > But perhaps someone has a better idea or a ready made product.
> I'll have a look.

Ok. However, I have it at home, and I probably won't be able to send you
anything before tomorrow in the evening. Is that a problem?

