[ZDP] >> I'm willing to maintain either
ZSnippetsorZHow-To. Are there >anythere >any
Tom Deprez
Wed, 05 Jan 2000 15:14:07 +0100
>In summary: Tutorial is a set of recipes
>Text is an explanation and more generic.
>I think we agree
OK. But then the differences between tutorials are just that they will be
produced apart from the ZBook context and for the rest they are the same as
tutorials? Because some of the tutorials listed now are not much longer
than some howto's. This is not to be bothersome, but basically this boils
down to the question how we decide what goes in ZBook and what is left out.
Ok, I think we should clearly state what the ZCL PART I chapters will be.
These will be the first to finalise.
All produced text, not in this ZCL will not be included in ZBook, but will
stay under drafts, how-to's, tutorials. This way, these are still
accessable, but not through ZBook (Because they are not linked from ZBook).
When all ZCL is finished (or someone really wants to do something else),
ZCL is upgraded to a new version. The drafts, how-to's/tutorials already
available will be used as base to write new chapters from...