[ZDP] ZCL Dicussion

Tom Deprez tom.deprez@uz.kuleuven.ac.be
Wed, 05 Jan 2000 15:22:53 +0100

>The point I have been trying to make, is that some of the stuff in some of
the tutorial should be seen as a topical treatment of Zope design and that
they are crucial to understanding Zope. If we see tutorials as a set of
recipes and core content as a more generic treatment of Zope's architecture
and building Zope applications, I think the differences are solved. Then
the ZCL would look like
>Part I
>ZBook Core Content
>Part II
>ZBook Topical Content (now: some of the tutorials with more generic text)
>Contains reference material
>Does this sound reasonable?

Humph, I don't understand your problems. If we can link from ZBook to any
other information  (eg tutorial, How-to, ..) on ZDP, then the above is
achieved not? ie. Chapters in ZBook which really need a tutorial, start
with writing the information not included in the tutorial (content follows
the styleguide of ZBook). With a link to the tutorial, that part should be

