[ZDP] ZDP front page
Maik Roeder
Wed, 12 Jan 2000 01:08:04 +0100
Hi !
On the start page of the ZDP project, there is now a list of projects.
Some projects still need an abstract DTML method.
I intentionally broke the old page, but I append it as
it was before, just in case someone needs the links.
I will put these links in a Link Section for now.
<ul>We always need volunteers who want to share their expertise with us.
The list below contains some information about our active projects. If
you want to know more about a specific project, please send an email to
<u><font color="#000099"><a href="tom.deprez@village.uunet.be">Tom
<p>Our active projects include:
<ul><a href="http://zdp.zope.org:8080/guide/ZBook">Zope Book</a>: All you ever
wanted to know about Zope and more. Informative and useful for beginners
and for advanced users alike</ul>
<ul><a href="http://zdp.zope.org:8080/ZDP/projects/zqr/
">ZQR</a>: The Quick Reference is an attempt to create a complete collection of all the
possible tags, attributes, default values, syntax and so on. </ul>
<ul><a href="http://www.zope.org/Members/ZQR">ZIT</a>: The ZIT (Zope Installation Tree) is an attempt to document all the different files that come with the standard Zope
installation. </ul>
<ul><a href="http://zdp.zope.org:8080/ZDP/projects/zdptools/
">ZDP-Tools</A>: The ZDP-Tools is an attempt to help the ZDP project
with Content Management and raising Awareness. </UL>
<p>Our non-active (at the moment) projects include:
<ul><a href="http://zdp.zope.org/guide">The ZDP programmers' guide</a>: Reference
and tutorial material, much of it from DigitalCreations. </ul>
<ul><u><font color="#000099"><a href="http://zdp.zope.org/metadocs">Zope Metadocs</a></font></u><font color="#000000">:
Guides on the type of content for our documents.</font></ul>
<ul><u><font color="#000099"><a href="http://zdp.zope.org/FAQ">Zope FAQ</a></font></u>:
A good introduction to Zope. </ul>
<p><br>If you want to help out with ZDP, please subscribe to the <a href="http://www.zope.org/mailman/listinfo/zdp">ZDP
mailing list</a>. We hope to see you there!
<p>For other Zope documentation look at the <a href="http://www.zope.org">Zope
homepage</a> and at <a href="http://www.zope.org/Members/srichter">Stephan's
Zope Portal</a>.