[ZDP] ZBook
Sat, 29 Jan 2000 17:42:11 +0100
Hi !
Just read a really cool article:
How do Open Source app designers
figure out what users want? Most don't
bother, says UI researcher Mike
Kuniavsky - and software and user both
"The Open Source movement has no feedback loop to end-users, and
no imperative to create one."
Once the ZDP-Tools are in full effect, I hope that we will have
a good feedback loop to our end-users. Threaded discussions may
be helpful, and also being able to look at the source code
directly will give users the possibility to help customizing
the ZDP-Tools.
> I added on every draft of mine a 'comments' folder, so now everybody should
> be possible to add comments to the drafts.
Have a look at the restructured ZDP-Tools semi-portal for some inspiration.
Especially the standard_zdp_template. If you want comments by readers,
I would suggest listing the comments to the right, and adding a big "Add
your Comments" Link everywhere appropriate on your Draft's page.
Also, we may discuss whether to make the ZDP-Tools semi-portal look a standard
for all projects.
> Another topic :
> Omar RABHI <orabhi@online.fr> has translated the old ZBook (chapters I, II
> and now some of III) to french.
> Of course it would be great to post the french translations next to the
> english, etc..
> Is their someone who has an idea to easely incorporate this into the
> existing ZDP-tools?
I the best solution is to create a new book and put the translations into it.
The french book will just have to mirror the structure of the english book,
which may be some work, but it will help us to separate concerns.