[ZDP] Versioning
Chris Withers
Thu, 04 May 2000 12:43:18 +0100
Hmmm, this sounds great for the first part :-)
I think the interface needs to be made more friendly though :S
When you're 'reading' the ZBook online and go to a chapter, you should see the
current 'active' draft, not a list of drafts.
Below this should be a link saying [view other drafts]. The [view other drafts]
page should have the [add draft] link on it, and I presume Anonymous users are
supposed to be able to upload drafts?
I like the way comments are right now (well, taking into account the ZDP
look&feel not being finished... ;-)
Perhaps the second versioning problem I mentioned could be solved by having a
'This Applies to' section above/below 'Comments' which details what versions
that draft applies to.
The above 'view the current draft' thing when you go to a chapter would know
what version of Zope you're using and show the appropriate draft.
With the above chanegs, I guess the chapter class could be used to do documents
in the portal. What does the portal use now?
Tom Deprez wrote:
> Hi Chris,
> This is available in some sort of way. You can have a look at the ZBook
> project
> http://zdp.zope.org/projects/zbook/
> A chapter can contain another chapter.
> A chapter can contain a draftfolder : all drafts are placed in this folder
> and we name the drafts in something like v100, v101, .... so the last added
> draft is the newest draft.
> A chapter can also contain a commentsfolder.... in which persons can add
> comments about the draft...
> Regards, Tom
> At 12:07 04/05/2000 +0100, you wrote:
> >Hi,
> >
> >Just a little brain dump on versioning in the hope someone will pick up on it
> >and we can take it somewhere useful...
> >
> >I see there as being two things ZDP needs to support in terms of versioning.
> >One is versions of the actual documents. I don't know if a revision
> history is
> >being kept of the various ZDP documents. Does this need to be done?
> Probably not
> >just as long as the next type of versioning is done properly...
> >There is however, a need to support change and it's control.
> >I would propose the following. Each document has an owner. He is the only one
> >who can modify the actual document. However, at the bottom of each document
> >there should be an option to add a comment/correction, kindof like a
> 'diff' or
> >'patch' to the document. These would accumulate against the document (objects
> >with the document as parent? should these be publicly visible? maye email the
> >paeg owner?) until the owner either deleted them or applied them.
> >
> >Two is associating documents with versions of Zope. I favour the way the Java
> >API used to be documented. For each document you have a range of Zope
> versions
> >to which it applies.
> >
> >For example:
> >doc-The Interface for __init__.py
> >version1 - applies to 1.0-1.10.9
> >version2 - applies to 2.0-2.1.6
> >
> >It's important to only apply it to versions where you know the document is
> >correct. So, yes, there could be versions which have no documentation...
> >
> ><pipedream>
> >It'd be nice if you could specify your Zope version on login and haev the
> system
> >show you the most appropriate document available.
> ></pipedream>
> >
> >Sorry if this has been discussed already, but I'm new to this ZDP thing.
> >Let me know if it makes sense/is possible/needs work/etc
> >
> >cheers,
> >
> >Chris
> >
> >_______________________________________________
> >ZDP maillist - ZDP@zope.org
> >http://lists.zope.org/mailman/listinfo/zdp
> >
> >