[ZDP] Some remarks about the portal design(s)

Maik Roeder roeder@berg.net
Tue, 09 May 2000 19:24:55 +0200

Hi Tom !

Tom Deprez wrote:
> >> - The separation between the yahoo-like portal things and the
> >> ZDP-projects lower on the page is a bit strange.
> >
> >Right. I am still experimentin with this.
> I like the proposal by Christian: http://comlounge.net/projekte/zdp/

The ZDP site is in a state of flux, and I think that too many things
may change right now.
> >I want to remove the FAQ, ZQR and Snippets from the main page once I this
> >stuff is integrated. I want the visitors of the ZDP site to find what they
> >expect to find in a way they are used to, at least for the time being.
> OK. But some small links are needed to all the projects. ie. These project
> shouldn't only be accessable through the portal, but also directly.

Look, Tom, a first time visitor of the ZDP site should only see the Portals
and no more. Then the visitor can decide where to go. Maybe he is someone
who is new to Zope, and may choose to go to the Evaluators portal to find out
more. He does not yet want to know about the ZQR or DTML specific questions.

A Zope user will start from the User Portal once he knows that this is
the right destination for him. The Zope user is normally not interested
in the FAQ, but in a Subject or Topic. Scanning the complete FAQ is really
hard, but going to the context you want to know more about is better, because
there you can be sure that you have all resources on this in _one_ place !

The ZDP project members are indeed interested in the FAQ, and also the
FAQ project. The project is completed, and the FAQ may just be enhanced
over time by ZDP members. 

So, the Zope Documentation Portal is like a  game of Quake. You first define
your experience level, and then enter the Level. If the level hurts you too much
you can still go back one more level, and train with the Newbies ;-)


Maik Röder