[ZDP] Re: ZDP site remarks
Maik Roeder
Tue, 30 May 2000 13:18:30 +0200
Hi Rik !
Rik Hoekstra wrote:
> I added a subject called DTML Quick Reference and some topics under it.
Indeed, the "DTML Quick Reference" is not a good Subject for a
Portal. A subject is somewhat like a concept like "DTML", but
the Quick Reference is already a Document type. I think that the
DTML Quick Reference needs to be kept in the ZQR. Then, in the
beginner Portal, you can add a Subject "DTML". Inside of it, you
may want to reference the Quick Reference directly from the
abstract, thus pointing right to the good information.
> This was the first time I worked with the ZDPTools in this way. Some
> remarks and many questions:
> - I know what is meant, but it is not clear what a subject is and what a
> topic and how they relate. I do not know a solution, though, so this is
> only for the record
Maybe there should be a context sensitive help system for
the ZDP-Tools ?
> - the order in which the info is presented is not logical: why first the
> topics and then the abstract. Turn them around, then the flow will be:
> subject, abstract, topics (related topic)
Actually, the info is indeed listed like you want. First comes the abstract,
then the Subjects/Topics in the case of a Portal, and only the Topics in
case of a Subject.
You have found a usability problem with the ZDP-Tools, because it was not
possible to add an abstract directly with the Portal/Subject/Topic, and
only a content. I have changed that, so that you can both enter the abstract
and content.
> Most of my questions relate to meta-information, because there are
> things I do not understand
> - WHy do items belong to one community only?
Well, if you choose to put things in one community, then you may
1. have decided that this piece of information is only interesting
for this community, and all other communities would either be
bored by it, or it would be too special, or too off-topic.
2. have decided that this piece of information has to be learned
by this community before the members of this community can
go up one step in the hierarchy to Zope Zen. For example, a
Zope beginner needs to know some basic stuff you only put in
their Portal. Once a beginner has learned all the stuff important
for their level, they change to the Zope programmers Portal,
where they learn much deeper things, and you can presume a
basic knowledge. This makes it easier for the teacher, because
he does not have to start from adam and eve :-)
> - WHy do they only have one subject and one topic?
This can be separated in two questions:
1. Why do Portals only contain Subjects and no Topics ?
Subjects are thought for grouping Topics. By forcing there
to be a Subject, you first have to make up your mind whether
what you add there is really so important for this community
to warrant a Subject with Topics under it. You have to choose
the Subject wisely, so there are not going to be too many
and not too little Topics under it.
When you have problems finding additional Topics for the Subject,
this is a sign that you need to choose a more general Subject.
If you have too many Topics in a Subject, this is a sign
that you may better choose more subjects by grouping the Topics
under them in a different way.
2. Why do Subjects only contain Topics, and not Sub-Subject or
Sub-Topics ?
It is important that the level of information does not get
too deep. If you have to go three steps down to get to the information,
this is a sign that the information down there is already too
specialized. As a consequence, it may be necessary to remove this
information and file it into a different Portal. Maybe it is ok
to add a new subject for the same Portal, and add it as a
Topics there.
> - Why do topics not inherit their meta info from their subject?
This is not implemented yet.
> - How can I enter a blanket topic for several topics (for instance:
> dtml-tags instead of separate dtml-var, dtml-call etc)
Add a Subject "dtml-tags" and under that Topics "dtml-var", "dtml-call"
and so on. Under a Topic this has to be done in the content.
Maik Röder
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