[ZDP] [Fwd: Editing]
Will Dennis
Wed, 11 Apr 2001 02:13:32 -0400
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Submitting this to the ZDP list so it's available for all to comment upon...
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Date: Tue, 10 Apr 2001 16:12:41 -0700
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To: Tom Deprez <tom.deprez@chello.be>
CC: willd@p-wave.com, kayeva@experts-md.com, donald.braman@yale.edu,
rik.hoekstra@inghist.nl, michel@digicool.com
Subject: Re: Editing
References: <004f01c0c20c$d5cdbc00$958d84d5@upc.chello.be>
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Tom Deprez wrote:
> First forgive me for sending this email to your private email address. I'm
> sorry, but I didn't knew a better way to contact everybody of the project.
> (I could visit the fishbowl project, but I wasn't sure if it is still
> monitored).
I think we should use the zdg list for communication. If that's no good
then we can use a SF mailing.
> Ok, I'm ready for starting on some editing (other things needed right now?)
> and I've some questions on how we will do this in the best way. I think we
> first better decide how to manage it, before I start getting in to it. Since
> it is still a work in progress, all the chapters can change very much.
Good idea.
> At the moment I see 2 ways on how it can get done :
> 1) A writer notices the editors when he/she things a certain part
> (paragraph, chapter, ...) is finished. Then the editors start reading that
> part.
> Or
> 2) The editors just look at the parts written and start editing... with the
> problem that the editor is editing a part which is far by finished by the
> editor.
> I prefer 1.
In general I think authors should let editors know when they're ready
for editing. Generally a good time is when you're done with the rough
draft of a chapter.
> Problem 2:
> How will we mark the editing? Is it good enough to start the editing with
> XXX?
> Like 'XXX- this part is very good written, but I would add this, ....-'
I like this it; seems work well for the Zope book.
P.S. We should talk about the license for the ZAG and whether or not
we'd like to have it published as a book. Publishers are interested!
Amos Latteier mailto:amos@digicool.com
Digital Creations http://www.digicool.com